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Re: Strawberry Sour Cream Cake

On 4/30/2014 muttmom said:
On 4/30/2014 Arley said:

Can this cake be made in a different type of cake pan??? This recipe sounds really good but I don't have a bundt pan.


I think you could use anything other than layer cake pans. The batter is heavy and the cake does not call for icing. The only tricky part is bake time as the finish cake is moist.

thanks so much. I just ordered the ""as is"" temptations bundt pan just so I can make this cake!!!! Arley

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Re: Strawberry Sour Cream Cake

I made these again, using the larger size floral pans. (Mini-bundt size.) I got 11 cakes out of the recipe; this time I added 1/2 tsp. of vanilla and 1/2 tsp. of lemon extract, and it was perfect! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup1} I kept one for myself, took some to the church secretary, and brought the rest to the vet's for the staff...which turned out to be a good thing, since while she was examining my Whisper I heard an odd noise, thought it was him, and the vet said it was her tummy rumbling! {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

I'm waiting for Aldi to have blueberries for 99¢ - the strawberries I've been getting lately haven't been any too sweet, and I'm thinking a lemon-blueberry cake would be wonderful.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Strawberry Sour Cream Cake

Thanks for posting this delicious and moist recipe. I kept a few pieces for myself and shared the rest with friends and neighbors. I also passed the recipe on to them. The cake took about 55 minutes and the directions you gave were clearer than most posted. I had just purchased a new Wilton Bundt pan and it came out easily and perfect. The next time I make it I am going to use either blueberries or strawberries and rhubarb. I think the lemon would be fine with either one. I also did not have the lemon zest handy but it was good without it. I will use it the next time for more lemon taste. I put some sugar in with the flour used to do the strawberries as they were not as sweet as when in season and that worked well. The sour cream keeps recipes nice and moist.

Thanks for all the great recipes. The easier the better as we will be more likely to make them.

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Re: Strawberry Sour Cream Cake

I also made this cake for my morning bible study group and it was delicious! Everyone loved it and the pastor's wife asked for the recipe. I doubled the glaze and used all of it! It just added the right sweetness. Everyone enjoyed the fact that the cake was not too sweet but the glaze complimented it so well.

Thank you for sharing.

Also, thank you everyone who shares their wonderful recipes on here. I have made several of them and they are always hits!

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Posts: 774
Registered: ‎11-27-2010

Re: Strawberry Sour Cream Cake

FHG.... I just love those pans. So pretty! What a sweet friend you are to share. I love the idea of using blueberries. Let me know how it tastes. Thanks again.

MKR... You are very welcome. I'm really happy that you enjoyed it. I love that it's fresh and light. Your neighbors are so very lucky to have you next door! I really like the idea of using strawberries and rhubarb. Sounds delicious!

BBLUVR... You are so welcome. That's wonderful! I love bringing something to a function or event that everyone loves. Yes, it's definitely not a 'overly sweet' cake and that's why I love the glaze. Thank you for stopping by to let me know!

Hope you all had a great weekend,

Posts: 35
Registered: ‎11-19-2011

Re: Strawberry Sour Cream Cake

I love berries..........thanks

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Strawberry Sour Cream Cake


I made this for the second time as fresh strawberries are available now. WOW! Even better flavor than the store bought strawberries before. These strawberries were fresh from a local farmers roadside stand.

I used 2 cups chopped strawberries and rolled them in flour as the recipe states but I also added a little sugar to the mixture also.

Even my husband ate a large piece and loved the flavor and moistness of this cake. It did not need any icing. I also added a tsp. of fresh lemon zest- which is less than the recipe has. Absolutely perfect!

I brought part of the cake to my daughter and granddaughter and it was almost gone before I left 10 minutes later. I earlier had brought her some warm molasses cookies.

My grandson is home on leave for a few weeks and I sent warm molasses cookies to my son's house for him and my grandson also. He will be going to England to serve in the Air Force the next two years. I have made this recipe of mine since I was 12 years old. I think the Air Bake cookie sheets are great and cookies do not get over browned as other ones do.

I bet I will be making this Strawberry Sour Cream Cake again soon.

have a good weekend everyone!

Posts: 27
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Strawberry Sour Cream Cake

Saw the recipe this afternoon and hurried to the market for strawberries. Baked the cake, and it is delicious! Thanks for such an easy, yummy recipe!

Valued Contributor
Posts: 774
Registered: ‎11-27-2010

Re: Strawberry Sour Cream Cake

Hi beba.. you're so welcome!

Hi MKR NY.. You are quite welcome! I'm thrilled that you enjoyed it that much to make it again. I've been very pleased with the results too. Great idea to add a little extra sugar. Sometimes those berries require a little 'kick'. Sharing food with family and friends makes me so happy. I bet your daughter and granddaughter were so pleased. God bless your sweet grandson for serving. I wish him all the best. He's lucky to have such a wonderful grandma looking out for him.

Have a blessed weekend,

Valued Contributor
Posts: 774
Registered: ‎11-27-2010

Re: Strawberry Sour Cream Cake

I noticed a few were looking for the original recipe, but I couldn't find that posters post. So, I thought I'd bump up the one that I first used. Hope this helps!


Happy Summer,