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@hick you are so very welcome!  

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@vabreeze hope you liked it!  I roasted some last night and we had them with ciabatta bread and cheese.  Simple dinner!

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I'm sorry to hear your friend is in the ICU - I hope he/she is recovering

this virus is awful


since I'm a jar girl - if you can answer some questions for me - much appreciated


most recipes just simmer the tomatoes whether fresh or from a can

how does roasting it change the flavor?


I'm a baker so I know toasting nuts is always better to enhance the flavor


take care of yourself and if can't answer  - no worries

sending gentle hugs to you


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@Yahooey wrote:



I'm sorry to hear your friend is in the ICU - I hope he/she is recovering

this virus is awful


since I'm a jar girl - if you can answer some questions for me - much appreciated


most recipes just simmer the tomatoes whether fresh or from a can

how does roasting it change the flavor?


I'm a baker so I know toasting nuts is always better to enhance the flavor


take care of yourself and if can't answer  - no worries

sending gentle hugs to you


@Yahooey  (Not to answer for anyone, or pretend a scientific answer, but here's a thought, anyway...)


When roasting, the natural liquid in the tomato (or vegetable) is absorbed, and the flavor does intensify, bringing out the natural sugars. You really end up with a richer flavor. I think this is true of any vegetable. 


I suppose toasting has the same effect...whether nuts or fresh or dried herbs....






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@Yahooey thank you for being so kind Smiley Happy  my friend's fever is dropping and her breathing is improving.  Taking it day by day.


Roasting sweetens the tomatoes... I usually roast until they start turning gold and carmelized.  


You mentioned being a baker.. what's your favorite thing to bake?

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do you also grow regular sized tomatoes? TOMATO GALETTE

this is delicious and so easy to make with puffed pastry or pie dough

below is the link and screen shots of ingredients and prep

the pic is a real galette that my niece made last week

she bought the various tomatoes at a farmer's market

she is a foodie - i just like to eat lol 

but no - I didn't get to eat it with her

key is to salt the tomatoes so it rleleases a lot of the liquid before baking


Screen Shot 2020-08-13 at 4.44.04 PM.png

Screen Shot 2020-08-13 at 4.44.25 PM.png


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I'm not a proficient baker - I try my best and I'm told it is good

I have listed a few recipes or the forums

my most recent is about a week ago - Plum Torte - so good and easy

I know it sounds like a healthy not so great - PLUM? 

Who wants to eat plums -bring on the chocolate but it is simple and jammy and good


I want to make it with other fruits soon - 


cookies, tarts, I have a love hate relationship with pie dough

it tastes okay but it puts me through the wringer at times lol


My fav cookie is biscotti - they are there in my cookie jar at all times

doesn't spoil and you just need coffee to dunk 




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@Yahooey Ijust saw your plum tart recipe - looks so good as does your tomato recipe!  I am going to try that this weekend!  We've been picking a bucket of tomatoes in all sizes every night.  So I'm always looking for different ways to use them.  We mostly have them in salads, sandwiches and pasta.   Thanks very much for sharing!


Last night's harvest:



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oooh, a beautiful bounty every night

i see a green tomato? I like that you grow all shapes and sizes


ur tomato tart will be so good

easy to make with store bought pie dough or puffed pastry


I deviated whan I made the galette

I roasted a whole head of garlic - i mixed up the garlic with a some dijon mustard to make a paste


I brushed the garlic mixture on the bottom - garlic is mellow and sweet unlike raw

placed the tomatoes on top and sprinkled with the cheese and whatever the directions call for


I do hope you try and enjoy - I'm so jealous of ur harvest

I have 2 Sun Gold Cherry tomatoes plants - some are just turing light orange 

Not enought to make sauce or anything else - bc harvesting 2 or 3 at a time will not cut it lol 

but they do make me happy - lots of green ones and the plant is so tall