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Re: Quick Pot Sticker Soup

[ Edited ]

@RespectLife wrote:

Cooler = COLD in my book! 


I wish I could send you this lousy 70 deg. we have @mustang66lady  !


I'm so sorry to hear you flopped!  That must have been a major owie.  Thank the Lord there was no real damage done!!!


Okay, I don't have pics...but I am envisioning the need for pillows all around to soften a fall, possibly bed rails ?


We would gladly take a few days of cooler weather here.  So far, we have gotten enough rain to keep the grass from burning up but don't think that luck will hold out.  


As I have thought about why I fell, I think I know why.  I have been sleeping on DH's side of the bed which is close to a window in our bedroom.   As I get out of bed on my weakened side, I have a habit of reaching for the window sill to steady myself until I am fully standing.  I think I misjudged where that window sill was and went down on my knee.  The area between the bed and wall is narrow and while I can get the walker in that area, it is so snug it is hard to use it so I have been leaving it at the end of the bed which my therapist agreed was the best place for it.  I use the cane during the day but in the late evening and at night, I use the walker because it is more steady at a time I am usually more achy and stiff.   What a clutz I am.   Good thing I am not a ballerina!  

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So this comes under the heading of be careful what you wish for . . . 


I was so thrilled those 100+ heat indexes were gone and are now replaced by "cooler" weather . . . with humidity around 128% . . . so it's cooler but also so humid and too cool to use the AC . . . gross.


See the source image

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I swear it's going to attack me in my sleep tonight:


See the source image

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See the source image

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I never knew rabbits liked hostas!  Good to know!

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Okay, you frizzy hair gals....who wants to come stay with me for a while?  I got TWO empty guest rooms  (sniffle, sniffle)


AND 72 degrees, sunshine and no humidity!


I have extra blankets for myself and perfect weather for you all!





loving that snickerstini !!!!

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Registered: ‎11-03-2013

@RespectLife  alternatively I would invite you here as I had the thermostat at 80 and the A/C just kicked on so I think it got hotter than predicted!


***pant***  ***pant***  


I'm pretty sure both of our hair would fit in my place with room to spare for anyone else that would care to join! . . . Smiley Happy

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Good day everyone.


Kid's day is over and was a huge success.  We had two boring presentations that I couldn't talk the team out of, but I told the kids they could go out and play with the other stuff if they wanted.


My roof tiles were delivered this afternoon, so I will be getting my new roof tomorrow.  I will go into the office so that I don't have to listen to the banging.


The heat has not been too bad.  My remote starter works perfectly for my car.  The rains just came through, so it should cool off a little, but I doubt the humidity will drop.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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@ChiliPepper wrote:
Snickertini (Snickers Martini)
Prep Time: 5 mins

This Snickers Martini tastes EXACTLY like a snickers in liquid form! Decadent, rich, and creamy with notes of chocolate and caramel.

  • 3 ounces Caramel Vodka
  • 1 ounce Irish Cream (plain or caramel flavor)
  • 1 ounce Chocolate Liqueur
  • .5 ounce Amaretto
  • Splash half-and-half (optional)
  • Optional Garnish:
  • Chocolate Sauce
  • Caramel Sauce
  • Mini Snickers
  • Whipped Cream
  1. Optional: Drizzle vertical lines of chocolate and/or caramel sauce on the inside of 2 martini glasses. Chill in the freezer until ready to use.
  2. For the cocktail: Add all ingredients to a shaker and fill with ice. Shake until chilled and strain into martini glasses.
  3. Garnish with whipped cream and mini snickers. Enjoy!
Recipe Notes:
  1. I used caramel flavored Irish Cream in my cocktails to give it an extra caramel kick, but you can use plain ‘ole Irish Cream if that is what you have on hand.
  2. The recipe calls for a splash of half-and-half; you can use either fat free or regular if you like.  If you want your cocktail a little less strong, simply add more half-and-half.  If you like your cocktail stiff, skip the half-and-half all together.
  3. To “decorate” the glasses, I like to use chocolate and/or caramel sauce.  Simply drizzle the sauce(s) on the inside of the glass and then place the glass in the freezer for at least 10 minutes.  You can skip this step if jazzed up martini glasses aren’t your thing… or if you are just desperate to drink the cocktail and don’t have time for any of that fancy-schmancy nonsense.  I don’t judge.
  4. I didn’t take any photos of this, but whipped cream on top is an excellent addition, along with some coarsely chopped snickers bars.


YES, please!

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Posts: 5,129
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Quick Pot Sticker Soup

[ Edited ]


So glad to hear your event was a success and very insightful about letting the kids play during the boring parts.  


I'm glad you are getting your new roof, too.  Did I miss your post or forget-you had mentioned some time back that during a particularly bad storm, you were going to have to find out if the new trees and plantings survived I think it was strong winds.  We have lost some minor branches and had 4 hail storms in one week that has made the liner of our pool look like the Mafia held an execution-looks like it was shot up by a machine gun!   I'm sure we have had some roof damage, too but have not had that accessed yet.  


And any word on the stove?  Tell them I am getting anxious!  I'm sure it will make a difference.   Woman Very Happy