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Registered: ‎01-16-2015





I hope the camera is waterproof!!!

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Registered: ‎01-16-2015



Good afternoon mtc!!!!


Happy Labor Day - love the picture!


Pouring here - no grilling for me. I’m thinking about putting something in the Instant Pot.


Doing laundry & dishes right now. What are you up to my Friend?

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@momtochloe wrote:

Hiya @mustang66lady , did you and Mr. Mustang make a lot of progress on cleaning up your garden areas?  How's the weather down by you, is it cooperating?

Hi @momtochloe 

We did get a lot done but not as much as I wanted either.  Kind of expected that though.  One thing DH had to do yesty was replace our pole light that is out in the yard.  After several attempts to fix what he thought was wrong, he realized it needed to be replaced.  That meant a drive to Lowes, some shopping and comparing (men like to compare more than women I think, and yet I compare, too-maybe we are more effecient at it?!), he returned with a new light fixture.   He got it installed fairly quickly but all that ate up time that I had hoped we would spend doing other things.  I knew we wouldn't get it all done but it was a start.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@momtochloe wrote:

Oh @tiny 2  my friend . . . I so wish we could all run over there and give you a hug right now.  Please know you have the love and support of each and every one of us Kitchenette folks along with those that peek in occasionally who wish you nothing but the very best . . . Heart



@tiny 2 


Well said @momtochloe .  The one frustrating thing about cyber friendship is we can't be there to really help when we need to be.  You and your DH are in our hearts and prayers.

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Posts: 5,131
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@momtochloe wrote:

@tiny 2 wrote:

mtc @ChiliPepper  I kind of like that folding rack to dry clothes on.


HEE!  Oh @tiny 2  back in the day I would have been all over this but now that I have one of those new fangled dryers I have moved on (but I have to say you have put the bug in my ear that maybe I need one of those) . . . Smiley Happy


@momtochloe @ChiliPepper Woman LOLWoman LOLWoman LOLThere are some special sweaters that cannot go to the dryer!!!!!!

AND if the dryer should die and your clothes need drying you can use this. Back-up @momtochloe Back -up!!!!!!!!!!

A-HA see, those of us that have lived the lives of those that have never had dryers (God help us) to be completely honest I like me some naturally dried clothing.


So in other words, I want that drying rack . . . .hee!


@tiny 2 


I like this too but i have one similar to this I got from the Q years ago.  Can't imagine life without it.  I actually bought 2 as my laundry area is in the basement.  I use that one the most but if I need to take something outside to dry, I take my other out to the deck and use it there to dry clothes on.

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Greetings all


My living room is 99% complete.  I just have to get artwork for over the sofa.  I'm undecided on which Monet print I want.  So my $5 clearance placeholder will probably be there until I retire.


But Pottery Barn for the win for all my tables.







QVC Shopper - 1993

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Registered: ‎11-03-2013

Good morning Kitchenettes, happy Tuesday my friends . . . Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎11-03-2013

Good heavens @VaBelle35  your decorating is just exquisite!  Your entire living room looks like it came staged from a Pottery Barn catalogue, I love it!  Thank you so much for sharing those pictures, what a lovely start to my morning . . . Smiley Happy

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Re: Quick Pot Sticker Soup

[ Edited ]


sorry to take so long to reply to your question...........


Nothing much will probably come our way from the hurricane.  

Right now, as always when a hurricane threatens the Southern coast, people pile into Atlanta and my northern Atlanta suburb for refuge.


RV's pile into town and fill up whatever parks or spaces are available to them. Hotels get totally booked and restaurants are more crowded than usual.


That's what happens when you live near and between major interstate routes leading away from Florida, South Carolina and coastal Georgia.


I guess we're happy to provide the nearest desirable refuge, but it makes traffic worse, restaurant reservations harder to get

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Posts: 21,425
Registered: ‎11-03-2013

Oh that's ok @novamc1 , I'm just glad you guys are ok and I hope the hurricane finally moves off of the Bahamas and blows out to sea away from any land mass.  Lord those poor people, the videos being shown are just heartbreaking . . . Smiley Sad