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Re: Quick Pot Sticker Soup

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@momtochloe wrote:

@tiny 2 I hate to be pesty as I am sure you have already thought of this but would pouring bleach or some kind of disinfectant help with your washer until a repairman can come?


Are you and Mr. tiny2 able to cook/have a meal now?

@momtochloe I have bailed out most of the bad water.Washed the clothes in the giant tub(my precious), and rinsing now. It is the squeezing out part that I dread. I am adding some fresh water to the washer with a little bleach. I know how to take the pump off to see and remove obstructions but I am not able to move the machine out to get to it. We will have a nice dinner later in the evening.

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I hope everybody had a happy and blessed Easter.  @VaBelle35 I hope you had a fabulous birthday and @tiny 2 continued good thoughts and prayers that tomorrow will be a much better day for you.


Have a good evening my friends . . . Heart

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Re: Quick Pot Sticker Soup

[ Edited ]

Sounds like all are having a pretty good day today.  Our weather was perfect which is a lot for St. Louis.  Seems we are always too cold or raining to have a nice day for hunting eggs-too bad we didn't get Oliver this year.   Last year we had snow!  

Middle DD had her Easter and 30th birthday with her boyfriend at his Grandpa's farm in north western IL.  They had a grand time and even threw her a little party for her birthday.  I have to admit I missed her today of all days but she was happy and that is what I want most for her on her birthday as every day.   We are taking her and her S.O., and her best friend and her husband to The Hill in St. Louis next weekend.   The Hill is an old Italian settlement in St. Louis that has great Italian food (or so they say-I dont' like pasta so I always have to hunt for something else!).  


Our menu today was ham a la Carlsbad Cravings (delicious), glazed carrots (also Carlsbad Cravings and delicious), grilled asparagus, Katie Lee's cheesy garlic biscuits, Plain Chicken's Cracked out Pea salad, ranch deviled eggs, strawberry pretzel dessert, samoas brownies (from Southern Plate), and bourbon pecan pie.   Everyone had a great time and we got a good visit in.  I'm about to take a cocktail outside and sit with DH for a bit before Worst Cooks Celebrity edition comes on.  




Sure hope you had a great day no matter what you ended up doing.  My favorite of your fans is that first one!   LOVE!   I think that second one would be too small to use in any of our rooms to make a difference but it may be more powerful than it looks.  Can't wait to see what they look like!


Have a peaceful evening!


On, @momtochloe 

I forgot to tell you.  I have a geo mesh wreath on my front door that I made a few years ago.  Yesterday I noticed something about 2 inches or slightly less caught in it.  I thought it was a wooly worm but then thought, those come in the fall.  It was a tree frog!  Glad he got hung up instead of hopping in the front door! 

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I just finished watching Worst Cooks in America Celebrity Edition too!


OMG, I love that show. Those people are so inept & adorable at the same time LOL!!!!


I won’t say who got voted off in case you haven’t seen it yet. Personally I don’t like when they eliminate someone the first night on any show - give them a chance - at least wait until the second episode.


It was fun to see Morgan Fairchild. She’s getting up there but she still looks really good - different - but really good.

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Good morning Kitchenettes, happy Monday my friends . . . Smiley Happy

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GAH @mustang66lady now the tree frogs have taken to wearing camouflage???  The old hiding in the wreath trick eh?  And I thought my beetles were bad . . . good eye my friend, glad you caught the little interloper before he snuck in!


And mucho thanks for letting us know where your Easter recipes came from and I am off to go look them up especially those carrots.


Mustang and @ChiliPepper I caught bits of Worst Cook's In America as I was watching GoT but will have to double back and catch up as it looked like a fun group this time.  I more than remember those cooking days and I am always talking back to the tv at them telling them no no no don't do that! . . . Smiley Happy

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@mustang66lady thank you for mentioning that glazed carrot recipe.  I am going to try that next time I make carrots.  I've never tried adding balsamic vinegar but that's a great idea, yum!


And I am glad your DD had a great birthday celebration.  That is some pretty land out in northern IL.  We used to drive through there when we would visit my ex's children in Iowa, just lovely.

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Good morning my Friend!!!


How was your Easter?


What are you up to today?

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Anyone else occasionally getting this QVC survey popping up?


It looks funny, I don't know if it's legit or not.

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Good morning K-Team!!!


Happy, happy Marvelous Monday!!!


I got lots done in the yard after lunch/dinner. I'm gettin' there, it looks pretty good so far. Way too early to plant anything around here but at least I'll have the yard & garden all cleaned up when it does warm up.


Anyone else gonna have a small garden this year?