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Parsnips are like carrots, mild/neutral flavor with maybe a slightly bitter finish vs a sweet finish like carrots.


Turnips are more like mild raddishes to me.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Registered: ‎08-21-2013

Re: Quick Pot Sticker Soup

[ Edited ]

@VaBelle35 wrote:



     I like your attitude.  Next time I trade cars I definitely am taking you with me!

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Registered: ‎08-21-2013

@ChiliPepper wrote:

Good morning Kitchenettes!!!!!


Happy, happy Terrific Tuesday!!! (It is Tuesday right? LOL!!!!)


Watching Jim Shore while I get ready this morning. He has such beautiful things!!!!


     Pardon my ignorance, but who is Jim Shore and what are these beautiful things of which you speak?  I want to know what I am missing.

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Registered: ‎08-21-2013

@ChiliPepper wrote:


     Love this picture and the Scripture quote (Romans 8:28), Chili. 

     We have several squirrel "neighbors" in our yard who look sort of like the one in this picture.  Our squirrels are happy, fun-loving creatures and make DH and I smile.  What a nice way to start the day.  Hope you have a good one.

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Registered: ‎08-21-2013

@VaBelle35 wrote:

Watching Evine, which I never do, as Paula Deen is on (actually I'm watching Jamie).  I'm interested in this induction thingie and the converter if you don't have a glass top cook top.  I've never heard of such a thing.




Educate us about this thing, if you don't mind, when you learn more about it.

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Posts: 3,826
Registered: ‎08-21-2013

Respect, My Good Woman,

     Regarding potential home buyers looking under beds, let me say (in my best Miss Manners voice), none of The Better People do.  I personally wouldn't worry about it.  (If it were me, I would put a couple of bated mouse traps in those boxes to deter the afore mentioned acts, if you are concerned about it.)



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Posts: 3,826
Registered: ‎08-21-2013

@momtochloe wrote:

@VaBelle35 wrote:

Watching Evine, which I never do, as Paula Deen is on (actually I'm watching Jamie).  I'm interested in this induction thingie and the converter if you don't have a glass top cook top.  I've never heard of such a thing.



@VaBelle35 I have had a couple of those induction burners and they are the bomb.  It's like having a gas stove without the flame.  The coverter is for pots that are not compatible (like cast iron or 18/10 stainless steel) with induction cooking.  The converter takes the place of that conduit.


Please let me know if you have any more questions as they are a great appliance.


eta: @RespectLife

Thanks, mtc.  You are a real Answer Woman!

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Posts: 3,826
Registered: ‎08-21-2013

@momtochloe wrote:

I do have friends that can't wait to go to someone's house so they can look through their medicine cabinet


     I remember Johnny Carson confessing on The Tonight Show when he was the host, that he loved to look at other people's medicine cabinets.  Anybody else remember hearing that?

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Posts: 3,826
Registered: ‎08-21-2013

@momtochloe wrote:


Your kitchen just sounds wonderful . . . six burners and a double oven, my mom would have been in heaven . . . Smiley Happy


     I agree with mtc about your kitchen.  I have just one question:  Would you consider adopting Mr. Writer and I so we could finally live in the style in which we would like to become accustomed?  We promise to keep our room neat, go to bed early, and not play any loud, rock music.  Oh, please, oh, please, oh, please!


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Posts: 3,826
Registered: ‎08-21-2013

Re: Quick Pot Sticker Soup

[ Edited ]

@RespectLife wrote:

I'm really looking forward to that island.  In both previous houses, I only had L shaped counters.  A large center island is a dream come true!



     You are really going to love that island.  We have had one in our last two houses and have gotten a lot of use out of them. 

     The first one had a custom stainless steel surface with a cook top in it and a humongous copper vent fan hood above.  It was so nice to be able to put all kinds of hot things right on it and not have to worry about the counter.  It also had lots of cabinet space underneath.

      Our current island has all work surface on top and a row of drawers with lots of cabinet space undeneath.  I particularly like that it has electric sockets so I can run small appliaces on it.

      I know a lady who had her island built on wheels with two leaves she could raise (one on earch end) when she wanted to serve a buffet in her family room.  She did not have any outlets in it, but she used it quite a bit since she entertained a lot.  Whenever she wanted to have a buffet, she would wheel it from the kitchen into her family room, raise the leaves to make it longer, and, voila, she had a really nice (and really long) sideboard/buffet.