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Need to indentify a fruit please

We were out to eat today and DS got a fruit that was the size of an apple, bright red sort of thick skin which he took off. Under the skin it was soft, sort of   cream/grey but was full of what looked like black specks the size of poppy seeds.

It was very mild tasting but never before saw anything like this.

Does anyone know what this fruit is? thanks

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Registered: ‎08-30-2014

Re: Need to indentify a fruit please

Your description seams to me to be a pomegranate.

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Re: Need to indentify a fruit please

Sounds like dragon fruit.

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Re: Need to indentify a fruit please

Yes, Dragonfruit. Pomegranates have red seeds inside that are juicy and sour-sweet. 



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Registered: ‎08-30-2014

Re: Need to indentify a fruit please

Wow, I have never seen this fruit before.  The outside looks rather scary and dragon like or at least like something a dragon would feast on and not something the grand kids would go for but the inside looks a bit yummy and like something I would be tempted to taste. 

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Re: Need to indentify a fruit please

@Campion wrote:

Yes, Dragonfruit. Pomegranates have red seeds inside that are juicy and sour-sweet. 



I've never seen this fruit.  It is beautiful!  I'd love to taste it!!!  I love trying new things.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Need to indentify a fruit please

[ Edited ]

yes, thank you, this is it exactly, dragon fruit.  I didn't see the full outside since it was cleaned but did have that thick bright red skin and those tiny black specks that looked like poppy seeds although I know they weren't that.


I did like it even though it really didn't have a lot of taste it was mild and moist and something different.


Now I know what it was, thanks again.