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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Memorial Day gathering cake

[ Edited ]

I liked that the OP used the word GATHERING in the title of her thread.

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Posts: 900
Registered: ‎12-24-2010

Re: Memorial Day gathering cake

@Foxxee   Most of the men in my life (father, brothers, several uncles and several nephews have all served our Country during war time. And YES we all gather together and celebrate their service 🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷

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Registered: ‎04-12-2010

Re: Memorial Day gathering cake

My gosh, don't pick on the OP for what was said.  I don't believe that anyone who uses the phrase 'celebrating memorial day' really means that they are truly celebrting the fact that people have died for our country.  


@simplyfriends beautiful cake and tribute!  Enjoy! It's just my hubby and I this year, so we're going to grill out, probably something simple.  I'm thinking of making a small blueberry cobbler to have with ice cream.

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Registered: ‎10-03-2011

Re: Memorial Day gathering cake

[ Edited ]

Memorial Day weekend is usually our spring yard cleanup, flower planting, and remulching weekend.  This year that should go a little quicker since DH has already gotten a jump on it. We're picking up our mulch tomorrow. 

As for food, it's going to be simple since it's just us two.


Bacon Cheeseburgers with the usual toppings

Roasted Brussels Sprouts

Mixed Berries w/SF Cheesecake Fluff 



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Posts: 480
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Memorial Day gathering cake

Each year I try to return home to my small, rural Kansas community for Memorial Day.  We decorate family graves, reminisce with family and friends, and attend the cemetery services.  Those services never disappoint.  There's group singing, taps, a gun saute, and the reading of every service person's name who is buried there.  This year there was also a brief history given of the eight service people who actually died during their enlistment.  Large American flags are flown for each honored service person, which is quite an undertaking for the small community.  They are beautiful, and add so much to the peacefulness of the occasion.  One of the local churches provides a community  lunch (as a fund raiser) following the graveside service.  It is delicious and always well attended.  This year's menu was: smoked pulled pork sandwiches, baked beans, (choice of salads) potato salad, pasta salad, fresh fruit salad, watermelon, coleslaw, with (choice of) pie for desert.   .

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Posts: 1,144
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Memorial Day gathering cake


I appreciate your sharing of the Memorial Day observance in your hometown.