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So, I'm reading everywhere that some restaurants are selling a meat substitute that's made from plants.


I posted here on the forum about a show where a scientist has made something that looks and tastes like a hamburger.


He even gives it the red juice that comes from a medium rare cooked hamburger.  Some people think it tastes like the real deal.  


I'd be willing to taste it.  I am a beef and some chicken lover....totally.  


In fact in high school some of my friends used to tease me and call me 'Wimpy' (an old cartoon character who ate a lot of hamburgers).'s my question..."Where is this country going to grow all of the plants needed for the substitutions?"


There are more and more medicines that are using plants.  I used to take one that came from a plant.


The reason I asked the question is because everywhere, in every town, trees are being torn up so houses can be built.


If they're not building houses, they're putting in parking lots, etc.


In other words, we are supposedly growing less and less of our food in this country and having it shipped in from other countries.


I keep hearing where we are no longer dependent on oil from other countries.  If you read the labels on your vegetables, fruits, etc., it will say it came from some other country.


I know one reason is because it's even cheaper to ship the food in rather than grow it here (how stupid is that).  But also, what used to be farm land is continuously being rezoned from agriculture to residential 


Am I the only person who thinks about this?  People are so upset about how vulnerable we are in the cyber world.  What about our vulnerability in the area of food, etc.?

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We will just import food from other countries like we do now. Many plants can be grown without dirt in a hothouse, so no problems.


I don't plan on eating these plant based burgers.  They are way too processed and full of sodium and other things that are not healthy.  I don't eat many burgers anyway and never fast food, so I won't miss anything.


I like my vegetables crisp and fresh and unprocessed, not squished, and cooked to mush. Vegetables are my favorite food group.  They don't need to be turned into a substitute fake meat product.


i guess if we run out of food, Soylent Green wafers might become reality.  

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Re: Meat Substitue - Plants

[ Edited ]

It takes an exorbitant amount of resources to produce 

meat products versus plants. 


Meat substitutes?  

Not a fan...but for those wanting to make the transition

and who are eating due to environmental & ethical reasons,

I salute them.


At this point, Plant Based is our future.

The sooner people get on board, the better.

It’s not a matter of IF but WHEN we have to. 


We don’t “need” meat products/byproducts to survive. 

Our protein requirements are very low (only 10% ofmtotal calories)

and all those requirements can be attained through plants.

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In my neck of the woods it's not restaurants, it's all the Burger Kings:  Impossible Whopper 0% beef, 100% heme.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Annabellethecat:  My husband has digestive issues and some meats don't agree with him.  


A friend mentioned that she buys a brand called Beyond Meat (sold in our area at Publix and Kroger).  It may be sold elsewhere, but I'm not sure.  Anyway, I bought this for my husband and never told him it wasn't a ground beef, ground chuck or ground sirloin burger.  When I asked him how he liked his burger he said; "it was good."  I have never told him differently.  If he has caught on, he hasn't mentioned it.


My main liking is chicken and some seafoods.  I have never tried Beyond Meat.

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Re: Meat Substitue - Plants

[ Edited ]

I live in a small town & the building here has gotten ridiculous...lots of 3 store mini malls going up but the ones they built 2 years ago are completely empty along with all the overbuilt drugstores. Subdivisions are being built on what use to be farmland & the new folks aren't happy with the nearby farms because the animals smell, plowing is dirty, farm equipment - animals make noise so the farmers feel harassed, they sell & the building rolls on. City people need to stay there & stop changing the country landscape...we need farmland & farm animals. I don't eat meat substitutes, I eat chicken & beef but have family members that don't so I respect their decision, they respect mine & they don't demand that others get on board with their choice...that's the way it should be.





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Many years ago I read “Diet for a Small Planet” by Frances Moore Lappe.  It opened my eyes to a different way of thinking.  It takes an enormous amount of resources to raise cattle - the food they consume, the water they consume, not to mention the gases they emit into the atmosphere.  Grains and water are precious resources in many parts of the world.  Hence, substitutes for beef are part of the wave of the future, and products like “Beyond Meat” will certainly become more popular.

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@JCF wrote:

Annabellethecat:  My husband has digestive issues and some meats don't agree with him.  


A friend mentioned that she buys a brand called Beyond Meat (sold in our area at Publix and Kroger).  It may be sold elsewhere, but I'm not sure.  Anyway, I bought this for my husband and never told him it wasn't a ground beef, ground chuck or ground sirloin burger.  When I asked him how he liked his burger he said; "it was good."  I have never told him differently.  If he has caught on, he hasn't mentioned it.


My main liking is chicken and some seafoods.  I have never tried Beyond Meat.

It’s sold in our local Weis (my new BEST FRIEND super market), and although I haven’t tried it yet, it’s on my list. I LOVE a good bowl of homemade chili, and I see this as a totally reasonable and acceptable alternative to ground beef. 


If it tastes the way DH expects it to taste, he will eat it. 



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 I won't eat it, fake foods are not for me. If I were going to give up meat, which I won't, I don't see the point of eating fake meat?


This  fake stuff never lives up to it's hype , as far as I am concerned. If I want meat, I want real meat

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I don't eat meat. So I'm so happy meatless burgers are becoming more available. The Beyond Burger is sold at Whole Foods, too and is a delicious burger, pan fried.Plus - some Whole Foods have cafes and cook them there for you.


I also tried the Burker King Impossible burger and it tasted good. The grilling and adding of all the normal accompanients on the bun made it so realistic. 


Nutrition-wise the Beyond burger is the healthier of the two (less GMO's).  Anyways, I can't wait until meatless burgers become even more widespread.