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JPC… your cream puff cake recipe was a HUGE hit! Emphasis on the "huge"!

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Registered: ‎08-23-2012

Re: JPC… your cream puff cake recipe was a HUGE hit! Emphasis on the ""huge""!

By the way - this recipe was on another thread, but for anyone interested:

cream puff cake

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Re: JPC… your cream puff cake recipe was a HUGE hit! Emphasis on the ""huge""!

Oh my goodness, house cat....are you in marketing? Those pictures would sell this cake to anybody-they made me want to jump in face first!! I just printed the recipe and this is definitely on my to-do list!! Thanks!{#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

Posts: 52
Registered: ‎07-29-2012

Re: JPC… your cream puff cake recipe was a HUGE hit! Emphasis on the ""huge""!

I don't post much just look around, but I wanted to say how wonderful this looks. Will try this one. Cream puffs are my favorite dessert of all time . Thank You.
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Registered: ‎08-23-2012

Re: JPC… your cream puff cake recipe was a HUGE hit! Emphasis on the ""huge""!

I just took quick pics with my iPhone, but the cake does its own advertising! It really was wonderful.


I made the shell and the filling last night, but I refrigerated the filling in a separate container, then assembled the pie just before serving. Some of the reviews said it was soggy, so I thought that would help. I suppose it did, because we had no complaints about the crust.

Other reviews said it tasted too "eggy". I don't know why. I thought it tasted just like a ginormous cream puff.. and I can't find fault with that!

JPC was right when she said it doesn't need the cool whip. I made it as directed the first time, but I might use less filling next time… just to be a little more conservative with portions.

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Re: JPC… your cream puff cake recipe was a HUGE hit! Emphasis on the ""huge""!

I thought the recipe JPC posted sounded really good and planned to make it soon, but after seeing your pics, it will be made sooner rather than later. Looks delish!

"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: JPC… your cream puff cake recipe was a HUGE hit! Emphasis on the ""huge""!

Looks delish House Cat!

Did you use any low fat or sugar free items?

I love your pie pan, where did you get it?

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Registered: ‎08-23-2012

Re: JPC… your cream puff cake recipe was a HUGE hit! Emphasis on the ""huge""!

On 3/9/2014 AnnMarie-1 said:

Looks delish House Cat!

Did you use any low fat or sugar free items?

I love your pie pan, where did you get it?

Nothing low cal or low fat about this recipe. Butter, whole milk, cool whip.

I bought that pan on ebay last year. It's got a strawberry design inside and I was just tickled with it. Turns out it makes excellent pie crusts.

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Re: JPC… your cream puff cake recipe was a HUGE hit! Emphasis on the ""huge""!

On 3/9/2014 house cat said:
On 3/9/2014 AnnMarie-1 said:

Looks delish House Cat!

Did you use any low fat or sugar free items?

I love your pie pan, where did you get it?

Nothing low cal or low fat about this recipe. Butter, whole milk, cool whip.

I bought that pan on ebay last year. It's got a strawberry design inside and I was just tickled with it. Turns out it makes excellent pie crusts.

Real ingredients make the best dishes YUM

This would make a great dessert to bring to a get together, many thanks for sharing!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: JPC… your cream puff cake recipe was a HUGE hit! Emphasis on the ""huge""!

I am so glad the Cream Puff Dessert was a big hit house cat. I thought you would like it. I have never made it in a pie plate, I always use my 9 X 13 dish. I think making it in the 9X13 would spread out the crust and the pudding filling so it wouldn't seem like so much filling as it did look by your pictures that the filling was a lot thicker than when I make mine. That way, you wouldn't have to use less filling and could be more conservative with servings, except I cut ours rather big{#emotions_dlg.blush}. Thanks for sharing your pictures with us and am so happy you enjoyed it. I'm not a big cook, well I'm not talking about size, so love it when a recipe I shared is a big hit. Almost forgot house cat, that I do make mine the day before, assembled, and have never had the crust get soggy and usually we are eating on it for a couple days and it stays great in the fridge.

AnnMarie....If it helps, I always use 2% milk so guess that might make it a little more healthy. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}