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From National It's National Pick Blueberries Day ! Yum !!

Pick Blueberries Day is celebrated on July 10 every year and it’s the perfect time for this activity as the day falls in the summer. Blueberries are extremely popular berries in the United States and they are known to be rich in antioxidants. Raw blueberries also have the most flavor and great benefits. These factors are reason enough to get out of the house and go blueberry picking!



Any blueberry pickers out there ? I love blueberries and I mix them with my Cinnamon glazed Walnuts that I make from a online recipe. They are no sugar added and they are a good low carb snack.  Any good blueberry recipes out there ?   

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Re: From National It's National Pick Blueberries Day ! Yum !!

My father had blueberry bushes, but not until after we daughters moved out, so I've never done any blueberry picking.  I'm not a huge fan of fresh blueberries, but I really like them cooked into things. I, personally, find them more flavorful cooked than fresh.  For some reason I don't like the term raw used with fruit.  

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Re: From National It's National Pick Blueberries Day ! Yum !!

Hubby picks them every season in Western NY.  We are in the eastern part so they don't start until August.

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Re: From National It's National Pick Blueberries Day ! Yum !!

I have never had access to a blueberry bush. I have only eaten the fresh ones from a grocery store. If they are like tomatoes, grocery store ones taste very different from freshly picked.

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Re: From National It's National Pick Blueberries Day ! Yum !!

Blueberry is my favorite kind of pie!  Mmmm!


@Goodie2shoes  Care to share your blueberry-cinnamon walnut recipe?  

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Re: From National It's National Pick Blueberries Day ! Yum !!

Not a fan of blueberries and wouldn't take time out of my life to pick a single one!

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Re: From National It's National Pick Blueberries Day ! Yum !!

[ Edited ]

picked some yesterday !

 the best  blurberries  are from NJ


 edit to typo -  mean't to say blueberries

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Re: From National It's National Pick Blueberries Day ! Yum !!

@RedTop wrote:

Not a fan of blueberries and wouldn't take time out of my life to pick a single one!

Smiley Surprised

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Re: From National It's National Pick Blueberries Day ! Yum !!

[ Edited ]

We have several blueberry farms in our area. Picking is/was a first job for many kids, including ours.  I don't freeze blueberries or make pies anymore. Sometimes I'll make a little blueberry sauce to top my keto cheesecake, and sometimes I'll bake keto blueberry scones or muffins,but that's about it outside of eating them fresh. I just buy my fresh ones when I shop.  I eat a small amount most days and give our dog some too.  I do plan on getting some blueberry coffee from one of the farms, though. I'll probably run over there tomorrow. 

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Re: From National It's National Pick Blueberries Day ! Yum !!

@LdyBugz  wrote:

Blueberry is my favorite kind of pie!  Mmmm!


@Goodie2shoes  Care to share your blueberry-cinnamon walnut recipe?  


Sure thing !  Because of my hx of type 2 diabetes (off meds now for 3 yrs, A1C 5.7) I was buying Cinnamon glazed walnuts from The No Sugar Company but they have stopped production so I decided to make my own. I found a recipe online for glazed walnuts, tweaked it to my satisfaction and added dried no sugar added blueberries. It has become my favorite snack and keeps me away from the chocolate cookies, cakes and pies ! Woman LOL




1 12 oz bag of Fisher Walnut halves and pieces

3 tbs egg whites ( equal to 1 egg)

1 tbs melted butter ( I use margerine w/canola oil)

1-2 tbs Cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla extract

1-2  tbs liquid monk fruit ( or splenda or trivia whichever you like)

1/2 bag of dried no sugar added blueberries ( I get them from Amazon but you can find them wherever you shop


in a bowl add the egg whites and stir with a fork until they are

frothy, add the melted butter, vanilla, cinnamon and monk fruit stir until well mixed. Add the nuts and stir until all of the nuts are covered. On a sheet pan covered with parchment paper and  lightly buttered, spread out a batch of nuts  and bake at 250 for 15 mins, stir the nuts around and bake for another 10 minutes checking them so they don't get to dark. Cool and then sprinkle with 1-2 tsps of cinnamon ( I sometines add a pack of splenda to the cinnamon that I sprinkle over the cooled nuts.  Once nuts are cooled, stir in the blueberries and enjoy !


Snacking on these nuts and watching my diet has helped me loose 45# over time. I won't repeat my hx of 2 knee replacements on one knee that caused big changes in my diet. Some on this forum have read about my ordeal which started in May of 2020 during the pandemic.  Hope you enjoy the recipe