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Does anyone have a good and easy duck recipe? My son would like it for Thanksgiving; as only he and my husband eat it, I am thinking I will just try to find a duck breast and cook that, although I am open to suggestions. I have never cooked duck before...Any recipes and tips would be appreciated! TIA Kiss

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I haven't cooked a duck in years.........the first one turned out to be a 'rubber ducky' !! LOL Cooked it too hot or too long - can't recall. Did my homework before cooking the second one. -

A duck is a fatty bird so expect grease - perhaps lots of it. I'd say cook slow and low but it's been years - so if I were you - I'd Google for duck recipes instead of asking here on the Q. I always go to ""G"" for ideas and cooking methods.

Good Luck

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Yesterday I saw a show that stuffed a duck into a turkey & roasted them both. I have had roast duck before & it's very good. Richer than turkey or chicken & sort of ""oily"". We used to have pet ducks & use the eggs for baking (not eating).

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Thanks for your responses. I have been looking at duck recipes on line but am a little overwhelmed, so I was looking to see if anyone had a tried-and-true recipe.

Straitgirl, I have also seen people on TV cook "turducken"--which is a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey, or something like that. I think I'll pass on that recipe! {#emotions_dlg.scared}

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I have never ate or cooked duck so I'm not help. Maybe this site will help.

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I cook duck on New Years every year. It's very fatty and after all the fat melts, you will only have the breast to eat. I would recommend that you get a whole duck so you can make gravy or use the fat to flavor something else. Well worth it!

Make sure you cook it on a rack so it's not swimming in the grease. I use the little rack from my stove top smoker.

When it comes to Daffy, simple is better. Just follow the directions on the wrap and you will be fine.

Get your flu shot...because I didn't.
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I would just cook it like chicken, in my covered roasting pan on a rack. Duck gravy is the best.

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Registered: ‎04-14-2010

Thanks for the recommendations!

Posts: 34
Registered: ‎06-08-2014
Sorry, off topic, but this post reminded me of a movie I watched as a kid where the family's turkey was destroyed and they ended up going to a Chinese restaurant for their Christmas meal and it was a duck complete with it's head! Hehe On topic, growing up, my mom just roasted it like chicken. However, use a rack to keep it above the fat/oil which is a lot!
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When I make duck I stuff it with saurkraut.

Always pock the breast with a fork and roast breast side down, on a rack.