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Is it OK to post a recipe for a drink with alcohol?  DW

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Yes, we are not in a dry county.

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Lol @AuntG  I didn’t want to insult anyone...


This recipe is from the SPARKLES TO SPRINKLES site.  I made this last was delicious.  Making it again today.  PLEASE drink with care...DW



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I just used a gallon of unfiltered cider.  It will be a little cloudy this way and I subbed 1/2 cup honey for brown sugar...DW

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Only if it contains tequila. 

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Well if it has that 190 proof Everclear in it you will get drunk. You won't taste it. LOL!!! I drank some of that at a neighbors birthday than tried to walk home.

I remember drinking Purple Passion when I was a teenager. We also mixed the Everclear with lemonade. Can you say YUM!!!

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Have never heard of EverClear but that recipe sounds good. Maybe I could tolerate one shot of it. Cheers!

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Oh, my, Everclear !  That’s a blast from the past - haven’t thought of that in years but this recipe looks good, may have to try it.  Sounds like it might be good for our upcoming fall hayride.

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If I  made this batch of hooch, and started on it, it would be Spring before I knew it.  I could maybe tolerate a thimble a day.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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we used to drink moondshine

 it would take the finish off a hardwood floor