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Registered: ‎02-14-2017

Re: Do You Brine Your Turkey?

Our favorite BBQ restaurant sells smoked turkeys.  They require an advance order.

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Posts: 630
Registered: ‎04-27-2010

Re: Do You Brine Your Turkey?

I did brine once, did not like the texture.


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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Do You Brine Your Turkey?

I used to when I used to cook.  It was wonderful. Especially in this day and age where turkeys and chicken just aren't as tender as they used to be. Consistently anyways.  I like a plain brine, or there is one I buy that is really good.  I think brining chicken is good too. What a difference.  But with chicken you need to be careful not to brine as long or it can dry the breast