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Cyclone Depression Bill in the Northeast area now.

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Cyclone Depression Bill is in the Northeast area.

The thunderstorms and winds will be increasing soon, along with chance of flooding which may lead to electrical power failures and inability to get around, so we hope for the best.
May the Lord keep everyone safe from harm, and may "Bill fizzle out quickly".

If I can't post please know everyone is in our prayers, and will resume when up and running again.

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Re: Cyclone Depression Bill in the Northeast area now.

Thanks for sharing this information. I haven't yet heard about this but will now investigate.

Yes, prayers to all who may be involved in this storms destruction.


Mother nature has been rioting for quite some time now this year. Time for her to take a long and well -deserved vacation to rest.


May calmer and more peaceful weather cover our nation soon and stay for a long time.

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Re: Cyclone Depression Bill in the Northeast area now.

Stay safe. Thought of you last night while watching a segment about this Greek Bakery,everything sounded so good.

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Re: Cyclone Depression Bill in the Northeast area now.

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We had the remnants of "Bill" on his way out to sea last night. HEAVY rain and some of the loudest, longest thunder I've ever heard. It shook the house!


Sadly, the Firefly Music Festival, which was happening a few miles from my office was rained and blown out to the point it had to be evacuated. 90,000 people or thereabouts had to walk out, with something like three exits. The disability camp was unaccessible by golf cart so people had to be carried out by friends. 


Kings of Leon who were the headliners last night, simply hopped a plane at the nearby Dover Air Base and left. No raincheck for them. Luckily, Paul McCartney played Friday night and was heard by the festival goers in a 2 hour show.


Today, it's sure to be a muddy mess. Normally, we have dry weather this time of year, but the occasional hurricane can make its way up our coast. The festival is new-ish, and this was huge attendance--sold out but they got fluky weather. 

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Re: Cyclone Depression Bill in the Northeast area now.

Rain gauge has 3.6 inches in it and we had strong winds and amazing thunder last night.  But, still have power and no tree branches down.  We did need the rain, but that is too much at one time.  Stay dry!

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Re: Cyclone Depression Bill in the Northeast area now.

I hope everyone is ok and that folks still have their power.  I didn't realize that tropical depression had headed in that direction and was still causing that kind of havoc.


Stay safe folks!

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Re: Cyclone Depression Bill in the Northeast area now.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 21,419
Registered: ‎11-03-2013

Re: Cyclone Depression Bill in the Northeast area now.

Looks like the bad stuff has already blown over adore?  I hope so, so many people are suffering with such extreme weather!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Cyclone Depression Bill in the Northeast area now.

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Yes mtc it looks that way now, and I thank you mtc, and everyone for your kind safe wishes replies. (Very much appreciated).


Was expecting the worse scenario as predicted, and got blessed instead.


Still better to be prepared, than not.


Enjoying the rest of what will now be a relaxing  Sunday, and if you're a Dad Happy Father's Day my friend.....enjoy!


Happy Father's Day to all Dad's celebrating todaySmiley Happy.