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Cute and easy Valentine's Day cookies

I have all the stuff to make these - aren't they cute? And so easy! Just melt some candy melts (I bought white), dip the cookies in them and sprinkle with sprinkles. Put in the fridge for 30 minutes.

I find these wafer cookies very sweet, but it is V. Day after all! I'll serve these to my kids after school with the Valentine's Day floats I plan to make.

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Re: Cute and easy Valentine's Day cookies

Yes, cute, I like those sugar wafers too.
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Re: Cute and easy Valentine's Day cookies

man...I do not need an excuse to eat those sugar wafer cookies. I love those things!!

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Posts: 314
Registered: ‎01-13-2011

Re: Cute and easy Valentine's Day cookies too Mikki.

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Re: Cute and easy Valentine's Day cookies

Love this idea - even I couldn't mess this up!
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Posts: 314
Registered: ‎01-13-2011

Re: Cute and easy Valentine's Day cookies

That's what I thought Tace. I am making them Friday morning - I'll let you know if it was successful (or if I just ate the whole box of cookies and called it a day..LOL)

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Cute and easy Valentine's Day cookies

We are under a winter storm watch here for tomorrow, or else I would be at the store buying those wafers!!
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Re: Cute and easy Valentine's Day cookies

These are super cute!! Thanks!!

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Re: Cute and easy Valentine's Day cookies

Oh those look very tasty!

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Re: Cute and easy Valentine's Day cookies

The Gods are smiling on me because I went to store today and they did not have sugar wafer cookies!! I really did not need to make these!