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I am the definately not a cook  A 6 year old could do as well.   I do manage to toss together meals in a crock pot when my daughters are working or at school.  


I do many pork loins, roasts etc with red potatoes, onions, celery and carrots.


I have started using beer versus water and the difference in the taste is amazing.  


I am NOT a beer drinker(med reasons) so I am not certain if it tastes like beer but have been told by some of the girls at work I brought them the best pork loin they had ever tasted.  They have known me 20 plus years so they would be honest with me.  No worry about hurt feelings as we are all family at work. 


I buy many loins with seasoning already on them and I always melt cheese on top at the end of cooking.  I vary the type of cheese I use. 


My daughter whom never would eat beef roast now loves it and she has no idea I am cooking it beer.


Oh a few weeks ago, I did a corn beef brisket with beer and added cabbage near the end of cooking in the crock.  Was delicious.  



I am certain you all know this trick already but thought I would share.  

BTW ~~  I use a 12 oz can of Miller in mine but any will work I am certain.  


Not my recipe,, found this on  line and just started using it for all meats.  

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The beer idea is interesting......will have to try it.   Thanks for sharing it.


 Sounds just as much offbeat but potentially good as the idea of using Coca Cola, root beer or Dr Pepper in the same way.  I've seen recipes calling for all of those things.

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Registered: ‎01-01-2014

I agree with the using soda.  I never have but the beer sounded unqiue.  If I knew I were going to use a few of them in a month,  I would have purchased a 6 pack versus one at a time.  Oh well, live and learn.  

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I cooked pork ribs with beer tonight.


Pork loin is so lean that for me it is usually dry.  Anyone else have that problem?

Pork shoulder is more tender and moist but really fatty.

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@Another new name Sue wrote:

I cooked pork ribs with beer tonight.


Pork loin is so lean that for me it is usually dry.  Anyone else have that problem?

Pork shoulder is more tender and moist but really fatty.

*************************************For New Years I did an herb rubbed pork loin (both sides tied together) roast.  The rub had two tsp ea. of garlic, salt, marjorum, and sage.  I cooked it on 325 degrees for 30 munutes a pound, took it out, covered with foil and rested it for about 25 minutes.  When I cut it with the electric knife,  about half way down it had tears of moisture from beginning to the last piece.  I use my Better Homes and Garden Cookbook, 1970 edition.  Maybe this will help.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010


[ Edited ]

I am an avid crockpot  user. I have never tried the beer, but I never cook with water anymore. I almost always use broth instead of water whether I am using a crockpot or cooking on the stove. We are not big salt eaters at our house so I also NEVER use that lipton onion soup. I use a cream of ---- soup be it mushroom or celery or chicken, whatever. add dehydrated onions or real onions and a tsp of worchestershire sauce and about a cup of broth, be it beef or chicken or vegetable. Season to your taste and let it go. I do ALWAYS brown the piece of meat - usually on the grill before I put it in the crockpot so it gets that nice flavor. Thanks for the tip about the beer.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@ECBG wrote:


@Another new name Sue wrote:

I cooked pork ribs with beer tonight.


Pork loin is so lean that for me it is usually dry.  Anyone else have that problem?

Pork shoulder is more tender and moist but really fatty.

*************************************For New Years I did an herb rubbed pork loin (both sides tied together) roast.  The rub had two tsp ea. of garlic, salt, marjorum, and sage.  I cooked it on 325 degrees for 30 munutes a pound, took it out, covered with foil and rested it for about 25 minutes.  When I cut it with the electric knife,  about half way down it had tears of moisture from beginning to the last piece.  I use my Better Homes and Garden Cookbook, 1970 edition.  Maybe this will help.


Sreriously, 2 teaspoons of each of those spices? Really? Whew, that is a lot of seasoning! 

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Posts: 21,419
Registered: ‎11-03-2013


I am the definately not a cook  A 6 year old could do as well.   I do manage to toss together meals in a crock pot when my daughters are working or at school.  


I do many pork loins, roasts etc with red potatoes, onions, celery and carrots.


I have started using beer versus water and the difference in the taste is amazing.  


I am NOT a beer drinker(med reasons) so I am not certain if it tastes like beer but have been told by some of the girls at work I brought them the best pork loin they had ever tasted.  They have known me 20 plus years so they would be honest with me.  No worry about hurt feelings as we are all family at work. 


I buy many loins with seasoning already on them and I always melt cheese on top at the end of cooking.  I vary the type of cheese I use. 


My daughter whom never would eat beef roast now loves it and she has no idea I am cooking it beer.


Oh a few weeks ago, I did a corn beef brisket with beer and added cabbage near the end of cooking in the crock.  Was delicious.  



I am certain you all know this trick already but thought I would share.  

BTW ~~  I use a 12 oz can of Miller in mine but any will work I am certain.  


Not my recipe,, found this on  line and just started using it for all meats.  

This is such a great post, thank you so much for sharing @INDIANA BONES!


I have made a couple of recipes with beer and they have turned out great.  One of my favorites is pork and sauerkraut in the pressure cooker with a bottle of dark beer poured in there along with a couple of apples . . . delicious!  If you go to a liquor store there is usually someone there that can give you some guidance as to what beer tastes like what so you can pair it with whatever you are cooking.  They are more than helpful and their recommendations are spot on.


I only have diet soda and diet beer in the house at a given time but learned my lesson that these are for drinking not cooking . . . Smiley Sad

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Posts: 795
Registered: ‎01-01-2014



Thanks for the good morning laugh at your sad face regarding diet beer and soda.  You made my day.  I only drink diet beverages myself and I can't imagine what it would taste like in a cooked meal.   Appreciate the advice regarding the dark beer.  I will try that next weekend. Man LOL

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Posts: 21,419
Registered: ‎11-03-2013

@INDIANA BONES I would like to say a quick welcome to the boards and many thanks for your kind comments about providing your morning laugh . . . if you stick around the Kitchen and Recipes threads I will provide you with many more as my culinary gaffes are legend around these parts . . . Smiley Happy