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Registered: ‎06-15-2014

lunchtime and prime time specials

How do you get early lunchtime and prime time special access. I used to be able to get the lt but no more. Do you have to register to get qvc email notices?

Valued Contributor
Posts: 530
Registered: ‎02-05-2011

Re: lunchtime and prime time specials

I don't know about that.


I do know, that it's 9 minutes after, and I cannot see them - yet.

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Re: lunchtime and prime time specials

They usually show up on the screen automatically.  Lunchtime specials at 11 a.m. EST and Primetime specials at 8 p.m. EST.  If you don't see them when you scroll down the homepage, you can type in Lunchtime Specials or Primtime Specials in the search box.

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Registered: ‎06-06-2012

Re: lunchtime and prime time specials

@IMW wrote:

How do you get early lunchtime and prime time special access. I used to be able to get the lt but no more. Do you have to register to get qvc email notices?

@IMW when I want to see lunchtime specials early I type 'lunchtime special' in the search bar. Also, if you have the QVC app lunchtime specials are available at 10:00 am instead of 11:00.

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Registered: ‎06-15-2014

Re: lunchtime and prime time specials

Thank you for your answer.

Super Contributor
Posts: 585
Registered: ‎04-21-2010

Re: lunchtime and prime time specials

just type "lunchtime specials" in your search box and they will come up

Posts: 77
Registered: ‎04-11-2010

Re: lunchtime and prime time specials

If you download the QVC app, you'll have access to the lunchtime and prime time specials 1 hour earlier than if you go online from your computer browser. But you have to access the specials within the app to see them an hour earlier.