Posts: 29
Registered: ‎06-10-2015

Why doesn't the tag match the presentation?

I'm watching Dare to Share Beauty with Shawn right now and the box of information on the screen (sorry, don't know the technical term for that) does not match what the presentation is showing.  The box with the name, price, and item # says it's Carmindy Beauty Highlighter, but Josie Maran is on now. 


Does anyone know why they do this?  I thought it was because the item was sold out, but this show is live so I know that's not the case.  It seems pretty basic to be able to align the tag with the presentation, but I see this frequently so they must be doing this for a reason.

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Re: Why doesn't the tag match the presentation?

Obviously a simple mistake.  They always fix them fast. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: Why doesn't the tag match the presentation?

[ Edited ]

@Sju wrote:

I'm watching Dare to Share Beauty with Shawn right now and the box of information on the screen (sorry, don't know the technical term for that) does not match what the presentation is showing.  The box with the name, price, and item # says it's Carmindy Beauty Highlighter, but Josie Maran is on now. 


Does anyone know why they do this?  I thought it was because the item was sold out, but this show is live so I know that's not the case.  It seems pretty basic to be able to align the tag with the presentation, but I see this frequently so they must be doing this for a reason.



It appears the show producers arent paying attention.   My pet peeve is when the vendor is giving details and describing how a product works and producer puts up a block advertising the Q Card so you cant see the vendor's presentation/or puts up a block on whats on Q2....SMH  Or when the hosts start acting silly the Producer joins in, instead of reigning the host and vendor in and getting them to focus back to the products.........Woman Frustrated.......

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