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Re: Where is the Vegas crowd?


@KG60 wrote:

Where are the Hosts that went to Vegas for the big blowout? I know Mary D.  and Leah are on vacay. But where is Shawn, Jane T, Jayne B, Pat D, Sandra B. ? 

@KG60  Probably home recovering.  Did you expect they'd all show up for work at 7am Sunday morning?  Pat was there for her usual shift.


It boggles my mind that they allowed hosts to take vacation time during a period when so many were at the convention.  Poor Jennifer must have worked about 16 hrs each day Friday and Saturday.


I've never known of a corporation that allowed vacation when they knew there'd be heavy work demands.  Vacations should be scheduled at the convenience of the employer.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Where is the Vegas crowd?

@happilyretiredgirl  Good one!

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Re: Where is the Vegas crowd?

@happilyretiredgirl Unlike others, I was not outraged by Shawn’s hemorrhoid reveal.

That being said, your comment really gave me good laugh, and I always appreciate that.
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Re: Where is the Vegas crowd?

Maybe after being empowered they got better jobs!  Woman Embarassed