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Re: What were they thinking? - Face Masks

Keep a clean mask in your purse or car in a small plastic bag. 


Instant glove if needed or place to put a used mask.

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Re: What were they thinking? - Face Masks

@Teddixat wrote:
@BalletBabe. That is ridiculous!!!

Really?  Don't think so.  Why do you think everyone is selling them?  Even Tara from Temptations.  It is a big money maker.  That is my opinion and I am sticking with it. 

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Re: What were they thinking? - Face Masks

@suzyQ3 wrote:

@BalletBabe wrote:

Masks are a big money maker for all.  This is why I have two and they are the only two I will buy.   The longer everyone keeps buying these, the order will never be llifted IMO.  

@BalletBabe, what??????????


And as for your insults about people who wear masks while driving, you've been given good reasons for why they might do that in past threads. Plus, picking out these people for ridicule when so many don't adhere or even to belief in the common sense precautions is kind of weird.

@suzyQ3   I am entitled to my opinion and believe me, I am not alone.  I hear people saying what I am saying all the time.  It is one thing to be cautious but some are carrying this all too far.  

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Re: What were they thinking? - Face Masks

@StopTalking wrote:

Watching David's Christmas show last night. I could not believe that they opened the show with Face Masks!...are you kidding me. Don't they realise that people want to escape from whats going on in the world.  Once again, are you kidding me!!!!


Yes, of course people would like to escape from real life.  But QVC is in the business of selling, and it's incumbent on them to sell what people want to buy.  They've been selling masks for awhile now, and if the response was not good, they wouldn't sell them anymore.  Clearly there's a demand and QVC knows that.


It would be wonderful if all products they sold took us to some kind of fantasy land;  beautiful clothing, jewelry, bath salts, candles, luxury items, etc.  But the reality (not just now, always) is that people need things that are very much tied in to the mundane (and icky) parts of life: such as mops, cleaners, tools to get hair out of drains, pedi eggs to get dead skin off our feet, & products to eliminate the smell of poop!


QVC's job isn't to pretend that normal life doesn't exist.  Their function is to provide what consumers want.  And considering a high percentage of their viewers are elderly & also lots of people are not venturing out to shop so much anymore, it makes a lot of sense for them to have masks available for those who want to buy.

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Re: What were they thinking? - Face Masks

@haddon9 wrote:

@Winkk wrote:

@haddon9 wrote:

@kaydee50 wrote:

I don't see face masks as a "fashion" statement.  They are a medical necessity, nothing more, nothing less.  And I question how effective some of these masks are.





I feel the same way. I think they help somewhat but one can still get infected wearing a mask.  I hope people realize this.


I don't like wearing them at all!  I don't see them as any "fashion statement" and I can't wait to take mine off when I can!!  They are not pleasant and I find them uncomfortable.


The masks I wear are the plain paper disposable ones that I can get at Costco for a box of 50 for $12.00. 


I wear them only when I must and can't wait until the day arrives when we won't have to wear them again!

The masks we wear are not for our protection, it's so you don't breath your germs on others.  The sooner everyone starts wearing a mask the sooner this virus will phase out (along with a vaccine development).   No one likes them, but no one likes getting the virus either. 

@Winkk I realize that....that is why I said that I wear one when I must. 


I also hope that people realize that one can still get infected even if everyone is wearing one...they are not foolproof.


Of course they're not foolproof.  I can't imagine anyone thinking they are.  Nothing is foolproof when it comes to this virus.  That's why it's important for everyone to take every precaution they can.

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Re: What were they thinking? - Face Masks

@Anonymous032819 wrote:

Do masks guarantee 100% that one won't get the virus?



No, they don't.



I never heard anyone make that claim.




Just like wearing a seatbelt doesn't guarantee that one won't die in an auto accident.




But, wearing a mask is better than not wearing anything at all.




So, unless people want the infection rate and death rate to skyrocket, they should quit their belly-aching about how "ineffective" masks are.



Because if they truly believe that masks don't work at all, then they should put their health, and the health of their loved ones, where their mouth is.



They should stand up, and fight for their belief, otherwise, they are just hypocrites.



Maybe they like having this virus around, and want to keep it around for as long as possible, just so they can have one more thing to complain about, so that's why they love to spout the "masks don't work" mantra.


Who knows?



Are they fun to wear, comfortable ?



No, but it's better than nothing, so I would like to know just how these people plan on reducing the number of infections (which just now passed 8 MILLION) if masks are not one part of the equation.


We all can't stay home. Some of us still have jobs to go to, obligations to meet that require us to leave our home.



Are these people also against hand washing too?



After all, that is not a 100% guarantee to prevent one from getting sick either.




So, until they can come up with a better way to slow/stop the transmission of this virus, I will continue to wear my mask, no matter how uncomfortable it may be, even if it doesn't guarantee me 100% that I won't get sick.



Because the last time that I checked, whatever percent protection that the mask does give me, is a hell of a lot better than zero percent "protection" of not wearing a mask.


I LOVE this post!!!  :-)

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Re: What were they thinking? - Face Masks

@liliblu wrote:

@StopTalking wrote:

Opening up their Christmas Show with selling face masks? Go Woke and Go Broke QVC.....

What does even mean?  It's "woke" to wear a mask?  Most of us call it common sense.


Yes.  And they certainly won't go broke if they're selling something that has become a necesssity for most people.

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Re: What were they thinking? - Face Masks

@BalletBabe wrote:

@J Town Girl wrote:

As much as I know that many people hate wearing masks my husband and I do wear ours every time we are out.  


We live near a marina and enjoy taking walks along the water. The other day the weather here was chilly and windy.   After we put on our masks I noticed that the mask really helped to keep my face warm in the chilly weather.   As we were walking, my husband commented that the mask really did keep that colder air from blowing in his face.

If this pandemic continues into next year like they predict it might I think I'll enjoy wearing my mask when we take our walks along the water during the colder winter months.


I've noticed that even though we are outside, nearly every person we pass has been wearing a mask throughout the entire pandemic time.   I'm so glad that our state was proactive and put the mask mandate into effect relatively early.  


Wearing a mask outside is insane.  Your body needs to breathe fresh air and unless you are around a group of people , it is stupid to wear one outside.  These people driving in their cars alone with masks look like morons.  



Well, then I guess you would think I look like a moron.  I don't usually drive around with a mask, but I always wear one when I go thru a drive-thru, out of respect for the person at the window who is dealing with the public all day long.  I often do banking that involves going to 3 different banks, one after the other.  I don't take my mask off as I drive from one to the other.  They're short trips, and it would be ridiculous.  (It's also not advisable to take a mask on & off without washing hands thoroughly each time.)


I have a friend who puts her mask on when she gets in her car to pick up her elderly mother, so she can immediately jump out and assist her mother when she gets there.  And she doesn't always immediately remove it after dropping her mother off later on.  So I guess she would look like a moron to you too.  


It's far better not to judge so harshly.  Calling people morons when they're doing their best to show kindness to others is unfair.



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Re: What were they thinking? - Face Masks

@BalletBabe wrote:

Masks are a big money maker for all.  This is why I have two and they are the only two I will buy.   The longer everyone keeps buying these, the order will never be llifted IMO.  


Do you seriously think that epidemiologists, doctors, and scientists with decades of experience will suddenly say that masks aren't necessary if sales are down?  

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Re: What were they thinking? - Face Masks

@J Town Girl wrote:

@BalletBabe wrote:


Wearing a mask outside is insane.  Your body needs to breathe fresh air and unless you are around a group of people , it is stupid to wear one outside.  These people driving in their cars alone with masks look like morons.  


Well since I don't consider either my husband or myself to be insane or stupid I find your comments to be uncalled for. 


There are many people around the marina since many of them live on their boats and there are also many workman maintaining the area.   Not that it's necessary to explain myself but we do remove our masks when we sit down.  So getting fresh air isn't a big problem with us.  


As far as people driving around in their cars with their masks on I don't pass judgment since I don't know the circumstances. Maybe they leave them on because they are going into several stores in close proximity to each other.


I fail to see how wearing masks has become such a contentious subject.  Is my wearing a mask such a problem to others?   I would think that my choosing not to wear one would be a larger problem.



@J Town Girl , I'm with you 100%.