Posts: 70
Registered: ‎04-16-2010

What's in Your Shopping Cart is NOT Yours Until Checkout is Complete.

I just called Customer Service due to yet another Backorder on a purchase. I have had more backorders in the last few weeks, than in all of my (around 20) years of buying from QVC. The policy with QVC has always been that once an item is in your shopping cart, it is reserved for you as long as you make a change in your cart within 1 hour. Apparently that is no longer the case! I WAS TOLD THAT THE MERCHANDISE GOES TO THE CUSTOMER THAT PAYS FOR THE ITEM FIRST. I have spent literally thousands of  $ with QVC, but unless this policy is reversed that will change. I REFUSE TO SHOP UNDER PRESSURE!  I like to look at the size chart, and read reviews for information from customers who already own the item. It is just NOT A PLEASURE to have to make a snap decision for fear of losing an item. It would also increase the chances of my needing to make a return, and who likes to do that?!  Kudos to the Customer Service Rep I spoke with. She was top notch, and assured me that she will pass my complaint up the chain of command. I just wanted to post this - in case YOU did not know. I had suspected that things had changed, but did not know for sure. I have never spent as much money with companies that have this "buy it quick" policy. I enjoy shoppping at QVC. I hope that we can reverse this new policy, so that I can continue to do so.

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Re: What's in Your Shopping Cart is NOT Yours Until Checkout is Complete.

I know that is true of many retailers I shop with online.  Talbots and lots of others do it.  I don't blame them  I have had items disappear in my cart many times.  If I were  a retailer I'd do that because they shouldn't have to hold something on the hope it will sell. 

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Re: What's in Your Shopping Cart is NOT Yours Until Checkout is Complete.

@Southern Sarah I truly understand how you feel....just last night I had a ring in my shopping cart (Evine) and went to place the matching earrings and the cart was empty Smiley LOL I was done...I really wanted the ring so now I know to check out if something is selling fast!

Posts: 70
Registered: ‎04-16-2010

Re: What's in Your Shopping Cart is NOT Yours Until Checkout is Complete.

Thanks for the response.  Obviously,I would not follow that policy. I would be more interested in building a relationshop with my customer (for repeat sales).The policy causes frustration. I know a bit about this, since we have a well established family business. I am aware that it is fairly common policy, but I see it as a step backwards for QVC. Thanks again, for the response

Posts: 70
Registered: ‎04-16-2010

Re: What's in Your Shopping Cart is NOT Yours Until Checkout is Complete.

Thanks, GAQShopr53. I just won't check out quickly - feeling I am being manipulated to make a quick decision. It actually does make me sad, as I do enjoy shopping at QVC. Guess I will be shopping more at the mall. At least there once something is in my shopping cart it is mine - unless maybe on Black Friday (got to have the husband guard it then).

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Re: What's in Your Shopping Cart is NOT Yours Until Checkout is Complete.

I had that happen recently with a craft item at HSN.  I understand the policy, but, I was so upset that I emptied my entire cart and didn't order anything.  It was one of the days when they had $5 shipping for all the purchases in a day.  Losing the one made the rest less attractive.

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Re: What's in Your Shopping Cart is NOT Yours Until Checkout is Complete.

Well - that explains a lot.  Its not that the policy isn't reasonable, its that they changed it and didn't announce the change.   I thought there was a 30 minute period - when the item was yours if you didn't change your cart,  but now they are like every other internet vendor.   That's a shame.  It was one of the things I really liked about the Q.

Posts: 70
Registered: ‎04-16-2010

Re: What's in Your Shopping Cart is NOT Yours Until Checkout is Complete.

Hi ItsME! I have done the same thing (dumping the cart). I don't buy nearly as much at HSN. Ultimately, my hope is that we can change this policy back. Remember when they dropped Louis Dell'Ollio? They walked that decision back... This feels like I am losing a benefit that I have had for years, while shopping at QVC.

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Re: What's in Your Shopping Cart is NOT Yours Until Checkout is Complete.

I fully understand and accept that concept.


Except that lately I’ve had a couple of instances where I had placed an order, paid for it, gotten an order number and delivery date.  Only to go back to check my order later and find that it now said it was on backorder, after I got a delivery date.  That is what I object to.  


If it said it was in backorder by the time I finished placing the order, or even immediately after I placed the order, I would be fine with it,  As long as I could cancel immediately if I chose.

Posts: 70
Registered: ‎04-16-2010

Re: What's in Your Shopping Cart is NOT Yours Until Checkout is Complete.

Hi Ricki Lynn! Yes, it was really, really one of the things that I liked about shopping with QVC, too. I did hear Kerstin (sp?) say something this morning about things selling out, while she was putting more things in her cart, but she was not clear whether or not she got HER items. I agree with you that they should have let us know about the change - but I am sure that they expected some of us would not be happy. I guess they think that in the long run it will pay off, but I (and other long time customers) am not so old that they won't be losing a lot of revenue from us (years more shopping left in me). I am looking to eliminate stress from my life - not add to it with quick shopping and backorders!