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I have been a LONG time QVC customer and have evolved to purchasing everything from either QVC or HSN.  It is just more convenient to try things on in the comfort of my home and see how they work with other items in my closet.  This also keeps me out of the malls and the communicable bugs that are spread there.  I know the fit of my favorite brands and appreciate that they provide exclusive colors and styles to QVC and I won't find them in the malls.


HOWEVER, in about the last year to year and a half, I have noticed a HUGE problem with deliveries.  They take much longer to get here and are frequently transferred between carriers slowing them down more when the goal, I'm sure, is to deliver them more quickly.  Additionally, I'm still waiting for an item that took 5 days from the order date to the date the item FINALLY was processed and left the warehouse!  What could possibly be the problem other than they don't have enough labor?  Or poor management?  I am almost to the point where I will stop ordering from QVC altogether because my average order takes about 2 weeks from order date to delivery date.  I understand that the distance can make a big difference in delivery time, but how do you explain the 5 days just to get OUT of the warehouse????    I also think that the addition of Mail Innovations has really slowed down the whole process between the transfer from them to UPS, USPS or Fed EX.  Sometimes I will have 3 of them transferring back and forth on the delivery of one item.  My order will get to within one hour driving time of my house and then take 3 days to get here!  Go figure!


I have loved the whole process of ordering from QVC for so long as well as the items offered, but this really and truly is getting ridiculous.  I just may have to throw in the towel finally.

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@Granny Nanny wrote:

I have been a LONG time QVC customer and have evolved to purchasing everything from either QVC or HSN.  It is just more convenient to try things on in the comfort of my home and see how they work with other items in my closet.  This also keeps me out of the malls and the communicable bugs that are spread there.  I know the fit of my favorite brands and appreciate that they provide exclusive colors and styles to QVC and I won't find them in the malls.


HOWEVER, in about the last year to year and a half, I have noticed a HUGE problem with deliveries.  They take much longer to get here and are frequently transferred between carriers slowing them down more when the goal, I'm sure, is to deliver them more quickly.  Additionally, I'm still waiting for an item that took 5 days from the order date to the date the item FINALLY was processed and left the warehouse!  What could possibly be the problem other than they don't have enough labor?  Or poor management?  I am almost to the point where I will stop ordering from QVC altogether because my average order takes about 2 weeks from order date to delivery date.  I understand that the distance can make a big difference in delivery time, but how do you explain the 5 days just to get OUT of the warehouse????    I also think that the addition of Mail Innovations has really slowed down the whole process between the transfer from them to UPS, USPS or Fed EX.  Sometimes I will have 3 of them transferring back and forth on the delivery of one item.  My order will get to within one hour driving time of my house and then take 3 days to get here!  Go figure!


I have loved the whole process of ordering from QVC for so long as well as the items offered, but this really and truly is getting ridiculous.  I just may have to throw in the towel finally.

I completely agree with you.  If they really want to compete with other on line retailers they have to get our items to us quickly.  For non clothing items I always check Amazon before ordering and if they have a comprable item I order from them and get it within 2 days.  Even Walmart has upped their game as far as delivery.  

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Registered: ‎10-29-2016

It's a sign of the times.  It's not just QVC.  Actually I don't think they are half bad; I have ordered from other sites that are worse.

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I am a LONG TIME QVC customer, too.  I guess I need to knock on wood.  I rarely have a shipping / timely arrival problem.

"In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart" Anne Frank
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I haven't had a problem receiving my merchandise from QVC, but I would agree that it seems to take longer, especially compared with competitors.  I recently purchased a shower curtain from Wayfair.  Got it in two days!  They also notified me when package has been delivered and sitting at my door.  I also like Walmarts shipping.  Not only does it take a lot less time than QVC, it usually comes quicker than the estimated delivery date. 

Valued Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I totally understand. Several items I have ordered lately stayed in process for 4 days, and then are being shipped via Mail Innovations. I don't find that system particularly innovative. The transfer process to the Post Office delays the delivery, and I am beginning to think that the USPS may not give items shipped using that system the same priority it does to those shipped 100% USPS. And the same problem exists with UPS Sure Post.

  You certainly cannot be in a hurry with clothes. On the other hand, I ordered the Christmas bag TSV, and I am receiving that in record time. Too bad I won't be using it for 5 months...

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Shipping is definitely slower over the last year or so.  I think you're wrong when you say that their main goal is for us to receive the items faster.  For them, their priority is making as much money as they can, and this hand-off-to-a-cheaper-carrier method annoys the heck out of us, but makes their bank account larger, so I don't think they will change anytime soon.

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 131
Registered: ‎05-03-2010

I must agree totally!! I buy alot from Q also, and have noticed, mostly withing the last several months, the difference in the time it takes for delivery. I have been dissapointed lately, and have thought more and more about not ordering.

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@cotto22 wrote:

I totally understand. Several items I have ordered lately stayed in process for 4 days, and then are being shipped via Mail Innovations. I don't find that system particularly innovative. The transfer process to the Post Office delays the delivery, and I am beginning to think that the USPS may not give items shipped using that system the same priority it does to those shipped 100% USPS. And the same problem exists with UPS Sure Post.

  You certainly cannot be in a hurry with clothes. On the other hand, I ordered the Christmas bag TSV, and I am receiving that in record time. Too bad I won't be using it for 5 months...

Ditto! The one item I receive from QVC that could take a slow boat from China arrives in record time! Smiley Very Happy

Honored Contributor
Posts: 9,012
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I totally agree.  I buy from many websites and QVC is the worst.  Items are "in process" for 3 or 4 days or even longer.   Other sites ship within 24 hours and some have the item at my home the next day or in 2 days.