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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?


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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

They don't bother me at all, and sometimes they ARE helpful. Sometimes callers ask a specific question about an item I'm thinking about.




I haven't heard any of the "problem" callers, but I have heard callers who I think are somewhat lonely. In my experience the hosts and vendors have always been kind.  Smiley Happy

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

[ Edited ]

Not a fan of phone in's.   I'm thinking to myself, oh for --- sake. Hang up the phone! They go off in another direction on how they have this ailment or who passed away recently.  Nothing to do with what is being sold. Waste of time and does not get me to purchase anything.

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

[ Edited ]

There aren't nearly as many phone "testimonials" as once were.  At times the calls felt like the old game show Queen For A Day where contestants would try to out-sob-story each other for a prize.  

There was a doozy once involving a very tipsy, sexually provocative female caller and Mike Rowe.  It was a riot and Mike handled it with aplomb.

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

When ROAR was the TSV a caller said it cured some disease she had. I remember the disease but don't think I should mention it.

What's my point --- don't care for the call-ins.

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

@Desertdi I've called in before and never did anyone talk to me before hand so your info is incorrect

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

I HATE THEM!!! Who cares----I never order anything because someone called in----waste of time. I change the channel---when I watch, which isn't very much anymore.

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?



I remember that entire time when Jeff and Judy got engaged and the wedding planned.  Maybe that caller knew something which I thought also.   Sadly  I read recently through the posts that Jeff Hewson passed away.  It seems like such a long time ago but I remember the hosts and format well.

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

@spiderw It was fun to watch in those days. They really made a big deal of that wedding. And yes, it appeared the caller did know something. A lot of it is in Kathy Levine's book.

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Re: What do you think of the call-in testimonials?

The calls never used to bother me, but now they do.  I have noticed that callers do exactly what others on here have described.  Some get emotional and cry.  Others go on and on and have to pretty much be kicked off the line by the host (nicely, of course).  It's very awkward to hear most of the calls and I don't think they serve much of a purpose other than to let some people connect with hosts and vendors.  Some of the callers act like they want to be the hosts' best friend.  It's strange.


I either change the channel or mute if a caller comes on.  It's not a big deal.  Luckily, most of the calls are few and far in between.