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Re: What celebrity would make a great QVC host?

Okay, no more snarky comments about someone having a lisp, which is a speech impediment (medical condition) and certainly not something one chooses to have!!! Wow!!!!!!!
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Re: What celebrity would make a great QVC host?

Mario Lopez

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Re: What celebrity would make a great QVC host?

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around Celebrity and QVC Host.  For me, the #1 reason I stop watching a few of the hosts is because they already think they are a star of their very own reality TV show [and wear things like like that new 6-carat diamonique ring designed by Courtney Khondabi). 


However, perhaps to dream, I'd like:


Maya Rudolph -- fun, quirky, and apt to tell what she really feels about the item (LOL)


Idris Elba  -- he can just stand there and point for all I care (sigh).



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Re: What celebrity would make a great QVC host?

Anyone of them..... They are actors and could likely sell anything to anyone! Some of the current hosts are pretty good actors as well lol

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Re: What celebrity would make a great QVC host?

I think the handsome Mr. Will Smith would make a wonderful host. He's smart, funny, charismatic, and the perfect showman. I know I would tune in.😊



~~~All we need is LOVE😊

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Re: What celebrity would make a great QVC host?

I tend to run the other way when a celebrity hawks products.

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Re: What celebrity would make a great QVC host?

[ Edited ]

Who would want it!

Valued Contributor
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Registered: ‎11-22-2018

Re: What celebrity would make a great QVC host?

so much agree. That goes for anything they are involved with 

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Re: What celebrity would make a great QVC host?

I think Jamie Foxx would be really good, personable, funny and a sharp dresser!

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Re: What celebrity would make a great QVC host?

I'm so out of touch with celebrities, so I can't even play the game.  I will say, other than Joan Rivers, I do not buy products pushed by celebrities.  That actually is a turn off in my shopping world.