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“This is the ‘antithesis’ of Quacker Factory”??

Last evening, Kristine Zell presented the new Q2 Big Deal at 9 p.m.: a tee with reversible sequins, in 4 motifs. Angel Smedley, the brand rep., was with her. Early in the presentation, Kristine made a remark about the shirt being the “antithesis of Quacker Factory.” WHAT?? Did anyone else catch this? I think that’s the exact opposite of what she was trying to say. She was  attempting to convey that the shirt is a perfect example of QF’s style.


A better command of the English language is called for here, IMO. I’m surprised this video wasn’t replaced with a subsequent one, with a different host. Just some constructive criticism here...

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Re: “This is the ‘antithesis’ of Quacker Factory”??

[ Edited ]

@handygal2 wrote:

Last evening, Kristine Zell presented the new Q2 Big Deal at 9 p.m.: a tee with reversible sequins, in 4 motifs. Angel Smedley, the brand rep., was with her. Early in the presentation, Kristine made a remark about the shirt being the “antithesis of Quacker Factory.” WHAT?? Did anyone else catch this? I think that’s the exact opposite of what she was trying to say. She was  attempting to convey that the shirt is a perfect example of QF’s style.


A better command of the English language is called for here, IMO. I’m surprised this video wasn’t replaced with a subsequent one, with a different host. Just some constructive criticism here...

@handygal2   Probably meant epitome but I, as an English major, have made errors like that when speaking and I just could not take it back and felt it better to let it ride than apologize and draw more attention to it.  (Or perhaps she does not know, but who am I to judge since I live in a glasshouse myself).

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Re: “This is the ‘antithesis’ of Quacker Factory”??

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Re: “This is the ‘antithesis’ of Quacker Factory”??

I think we have all made mistakes when speaking, and used the wrong word.  

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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Re: “This is the ‘antithesis’ of Quacker Factory”??

@Peaches McPhee wrote:

I think we have all made mistakes when speaking, and used the wrong word.  

True... myself included. But everyday speaking, and television broadcasting are two different things, and the standards for TV should be higher, IMO.

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Re: “This is the ‘antithesis’ of Quacker Factory”??

Yes, she made a mistake. 


But for someone in her position, in that venue, it was a big one.


Disastrous?  Monumental?  No.  But shows the lack of care in preparing for a presentation.

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Re: “This is the ‘antithesis’ of Quacker Factory”??

@handygal2 wrote:

@Peaches McPhee wrote:

I think we have all made mistakes when speaking, and used the wrong word.  

True... myself included. But everyday speaking, and television broadcasting are two different things, and the standards for TV should be higher, IMO.






The hosts are human, they make mistakes, it isn't the end of the world.



If one expects perfection from the hosts, then they are going to be sorely disappointed.



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Re: “This is the ‘antithesis’ of Quacker Factory”??


I think the question is why would a host even use this word? Why not just speak plain ordinary English. Half the people watching the show probably didn't even know what the word meant. They are there to present the merchandise to the possible buyers not use words they may or may not know the meaning of and definitely not words that do not describe the merchandise where a person knows what they are talking about. As was done in a previous video QVC should replace this video with a presentation that accurately describes the merchandise.

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Re: “This is the ‘antithesis’ of Quacker Factory”??

I guess Angel knew better than to correct Kristine on-air.


At any rate, I wonder what the QF antithesis would look like.

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Re: “This is the ‘antithesis’ of Quacker Factory”??

[ Edited ]

@handygal2I disagree -  you're sitting outisde the turmoil of a busy stage with all the time in the world to listen and even relisten.  Speakers do not have that time and, according to various speech teachers I've worked with, should not be judged by the standards of the written language where thoughtful proofreading can eliminate many missteps.


In addition, I don't like the tendency of social media to call for firing so many people.  Can't imagine you or anyone else you know worked through a career without making an error -  especially one that doesn't change the world -  probably doesn't even change the sale of the QF item being presented.


IMO, there ARE errors that should be investigated as a potential reason for removing someone from a position.  A misspoken word on a shopping channel just doesn't get anywhere near my standard.