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Posts: 13,413
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

This is about Fed Ex(and it is not bad)

DH ordered something and it was to be shipped Fed EX. I think I have said we live back in the woods and have a long driveway. Sat.evening the phone rang at about 9:00PM and it was a woman from Fed EX . She could nor find our house. (We are not on GPS) She talked to DH and he told he the way to get here. She did deliver the package but she had to drive up the drive way (driveway is a 1/4 one way and I do no believe there was a moon that night). I felt so bad for her. She did not know where she was or what would greet her at the end of the driveway. DH says so many delivery services worship at the altar of the GPS.I tried to talk her out of delivery but she said No. She could have delivered on Monday.