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The Show Hosts and "Frozen"....

I'm sorry, I suppose for all of you with children "Frozen" is obviously a big deal in your life right now.

However, I do wish the various show hosts would realize there is also an entire world of adults out here who don't have children and aren't involved in the current mania about "Frozen" and all that it entails.

I am amazed at the number of hosts, varying in ages, and even a couple of the guys keep talking about this, referring to it, discussing the music, or somehow bringing it into their presentations on a regular basis.

My gosh, have other Disney shows and such never gotten such acclaim ? And do we who are not involved with it in any fashion have to keep hearing about it or listening to a host humming or singing a song or bringing it into their presentations from now until Christmas??

Is there anyone on air who is not infected with this and can just do their job without resorting to childish behavior ?

Nothing against children or things for them, but there is still a fully adult world out here.

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Re: The Show Hosts and ""Frozen""....

I agree with you, Remee!! It's called hype!!??
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Re: The Show Hosts and ""Frozen""....

I'm afraid I'm not able to take advantage of the good Frozen deals. I have 5 granddaughters who went nuts for the movie and song months & months ago. They have all moved on .... Oh welllllll....
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Re: The Show Hosts and ""Frozen""....

I laughed at your post, Remee, thinking "she really is upset over this Frozen "hype"!, but I understand, because every once in a while something like that gets to me too, I just get so tired of hearing about something "ad nauseum", is that the expression?

It's like that with a lot of stuff lately, it seems, there is just overkill in promoting something, and lots of times I think it's all with a monetary result in mind. It gets really tiresome after a while, but as long as something can keep raking in the dollars we will continue to hear about it.

I don't remember this kind of thing being so prevalent years ago, but maybe I was just not so aware of it.

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Re: The Show Hosts and ""Frozen""....

ITA. I'm tired of them constantly pushing Frozen. They must own stock in Disney or bought out their warehouse of Frozen products. My kids are in their 20's so they're past that stage, but my daughter and I did watch it on Netflix. I didn't care for it, don't see what all the hype is about, although I did think the snowman Olaf was cute.

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Re: The Show Hosts and ""Frozen""....

I totally understand! I don't see the draw, but then I don't have children. The minute I hear the song or a presentation begins I groan and switch the channel. The song isn't even that good for pete's sake!

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Re: The Show Hosts and ""Frozen""....

I also love your post Remee. It reminds me when my granddaughter and I bought this stuffed cat one Christmas for the children. It was so cute(in the store)and talked. It took less than an hour on Christmas morning for she or I to put the cat behind the cough pillow in hopes the kids would forget about it.

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Re: The Show Hosts and ""Frozen""....

59 years old and no kids, but I do love Disney movies! However, I didn't think Frozen was spectacular. Really don't get all the hype for this movie and the song wasn't, in my opinion all that special, or even catchy. I liked Tangled a whole lot more, and never heard much about it at all!

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Re: The Show Hosts and ""Frozen""....

I totally agree! Way too much frozen hype, no matter how good the movie. The one that kills me is the electronic dress - it lights up and plays the frozen song. And the recording isn't even very good; it sounds tinny, or cheap. And, like most toys, it will entertain the kids for a few months, then they'll move on to the next big thing.

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Registered: ‎03-20-2014

Re: The Show Hosts and ""Frozen""....

I do have younger kids (5, 8, 9) and I am so over frozen. I have never seen the movie. They saw it with their grandparents. I've never seen the need to have all this stuff from a kids current favorite movie. Children are very susceptible to hype. Disney is a master of working this. Then because there is frozen everything all over people think it's the best thing going and will buy it for kids. I can guarantee my daughters will have Frozen gifts from grandma and aunts despite the fact that one didn't seem to like the movie much and the other's favorite movies and characters are all from Miyazaki films. In a few months the kids will all be going crazy about something else.