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Isaac and Shawn arguing about whether the moon is a planet, or not, and is the sun a star? It was really disgusting, and not the least bit funny. I guess someone thinks their antics are cute when they co-host together, but it is getting OLD real quick. Can they pair him up with someone else who can keep the show under control? I watch QVC to order products and see the new fashion trends. If I want to hear about astrology, I would not choose QVC.

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Re: The Moon, Sun, and Stars

I guess I just simply don't find it disgusting... In fact, I find it to be no big deal. Personally, I think this topic has pretty much exhausted any reasonable level of interest that might have been warranted... It was silly, nothing more, nothing less, as far as I'm concerned, anyway.

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Re: The Moon, Sun, and Stars

I found the replay of that Shawn and Isaac moon discussion on national morning news shows like today and GMA and on Rachel Maddow on MSNBC and online in various news FBook feeds to be a little overkill. And Frankly it's an insult to me as a long time qvc customer when people who don't watch qvc see that and think wow these people are scientifically clueless. The people who watch this must be clueless too. I cannot believe the producers didn't nip that moon discussion in the bud by telling Shawn or Isaac in their ear to cut it out. When the model is covering her face as that no the moon is a star no it's a planet argument went on and on it's gotten out of control. I don't mean to sound rude but why does Shawn think we care if she uses yahoo or google for Internet searches? She obviously knows nothing about science where moon is concerned. And I am a little tired of her made up word adjectives. It isn't cute when someone says that things live on the moon Things don't live on the moon. And I don't watch qvc to see hosts and guests show how ignorant they are about the moon or other things they bring up in discussions about products. It wasn't funny or cute or entertaining. I can take more of that from Isaac than Shawn. Shawn to me can get a little self absorbed and her repeated semi word adjectives she comes up with have gotten old. Overall it was overkill of the worst kind re nonsense and completely inaccurate information about a scientific subject that should have never come up
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Re: The Moon, Sun, and Stars

{#emotions_dlg.laugh}First, I would like to say I do like Shawn. However I find it hard to believe that she thought the moon was a star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since when did NASA land on a star??? I'm sorry but that was so funny.

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Re: The Moon, Sun, and Stars

I think all this shows is our flawed educational system.....{#emotions_dlg.laugh}And gee didn't Shawn and Isaac ever watch Star Trek....Wink

And BTW the science of celestial objects is ASTRONOMY....although astrology bases the horoscopes on the movement of planets it is not deemed a "science" and found to be inaccurate by many (me included).....

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Re: The Moon, Sun, and Stars

I caught that show....and thought it was very funny. Much to do about nothing O/P. [anyone can see they are very good friends.] Certainly not ""disgusting"" poor choice of words.

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Re: The Moon, Sun, and Stars

For those who found this argument "no big deal", I have to ask why they even watch QVC. I watch it to see items that may be of interest to purchase. You certainly couldn't call this kind of dialog, entertaining. The purpose of the host and vendor is to get the viewer interested in the product, by providing information about it - not to go off on some argument that makes them both look like morons.

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Re: The Moon, Sun, and Stars

I still this it's wise to never show the general public how little you know.

Shawn and Isaac should take this advice too.

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Re: The Moon, Sun, and Stars

Clueless and Classless IMHO.

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Re: The Moon, Sun, and Stars

On 1/18/2015 txskies said:

For those who found this argument "no big deal", I have to ask why they even watch QVC. I watch it to see items that may be of interest to purchase. You certainly couldn't call this kind of dialog, entertaining. The purpose of the host and vendor is to get the viewer interested in the product, by providing information about it - not to go off on some argument that makes them both look like morons.

I rarely do watch it, but used to often. Then as now, on the few occasions I tune in, I don't watch it to take it all SO seriously...

When I do watch it isn't for just the facts about any given item. If that's all I wanted I could probably get them from the website and would tune in just to see an item live and in person and being worn or used.

Yes, I'm definitely in the 'no big deal' camp and I can only wonder how many threads about this are going to be enough...?

In my pantry with my cupcakes...