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Susan and Sandra on Sunday Night


I've tried. Really.  Over and over I have tried to watch Susan Graver on Sunday nights with Sandra as host. But it's impossible! I have to mute the sound again and again because they are BOTH talking at the same time, LOUDER and LOUDER over one another so that it is not possible to listen or to enjoy.  Mother's Day night was the absolute worst. I actually like the clothes and wanted to watch, but their constant screaming ruined the show.  And I had no idea what either one of them was saying!


Does anyone agree? Did anyone else mute and then give up?  I like watching Susan Graver when Susan herself is nowhere in sight. Her substitute rep is great!

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Re: Susan and Sandra on Sunday Night

@65and fabulous.  Mute, then give up pretty much describes my reaction.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Susan and Sandra on Sunday Night

I just look at fashions for amusement, not to buy. But I agree Graver is unwatchable, her talking is loud  📢  and very tedious to listen to because she's SO repetitive, (you need this, you need this), and I agree her stand in(s) are terrific.


There's never a good close shot of either the texture or the print/pattern in her clothes. The camera can't keep up with her swinging and shaking the garments around to show the fabric's movement.


That seems to be her chief selling point.

We get it already! Fabric MOVES.


I believe she's probably a good designer and would be more interesting to watch if she would slow down and think about what she wants to say about each piece, instead of babbling the same stuff thru her whole segment each time.

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Re: Susan and Sandra on Sunday Night

It is my opinion that Susan Graver is very well aware that she talks over her host and the babbling irrates customers, but she does it anyway, why?  I believe ever since Lori Goldstein arrived, Susan is not longer the top fashion designer and seller at QVC Susan Graver knows that AND because of that she is increased her obnoixiousness on air to try to drive her sales up.  Personally, it is not only LOGO who has successfully passed Susan but Susan herself has chased customers away.  Susan should watch herself after shows and see how ridiculous she sounds and acts, if she has already done so and cotinues to act like this it is only because of the $$$$$ she wants in sales nothing more.  She is capable of change but at the end of the day it is all about making money and being #1 at qvc, which she is no longer

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Re: Susan and Sandra on Sunday Night

SG is my favorite Q vendor.  I don't buy anything from the LOGO line.  Everything looks the same to me. go,girl!!!!!!

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Re: Susan and Sandra on Sunday Night

Years ago I watched SG all the time and purchased a lot of her items.  Realized that without petites her line was not for me.  I no longer watch or buy as her constant interrupting, etc. is way too annoyiing.  I like Sandra, but on the beauty shows she speaks way too fast.  Not pleasant to watch.

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Re: Susan and Sandra on Sunday Night

@x Hedge You took the words right out my mouth!! I've stopped watching, I can't stand all her shaking the clothing & holding other garments in front of the item being presented. She is SO arrogant, I can no longer tolerate her. QVC should have stopped this behavior a LONG time ago. 

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Re: Susan and Sandra on Sunday Night

It's just the same words over and over again - show after show.  She can shake whatever she wants - I can look away; but it's ....building wardrobes - expert in the pant industry - and little soap and water - just go to the sink - it will never pill - you gotta try it.  - figure flattering (what a laugh).   SG & LOGO = no go for me. 

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Re: Susan and Sandra on Sunday Night

@65and fabulous wrote:


I've tried. Really.  Over and over I have tried to watch Susan Graver on Sunday nights with Sandra as host. But it's impossible! I have to mute the sound again and again because they are BOTH talking at the same time, LOUDER and LOUDER over one another so that it is not possible to listen or to enjoy.  Mother's Day night was the absolute worst. I actually like the clothes and wanted to watch, but their constant screaming ruined the show.  And I had no idea what either one of them was saying!


Does anyone agree? Did anyone else mute and then give up?  I like watching Susan Graver when Susan herself is nowhere in sight. Her substitute rep is great!

@65and fabulous  I watched a show quite awhile ago. I don’t like being told 15 places where I can wear her cardigan, etc. If I ever purchased her clothing, doubtful, I’ll be the one to decide when I’ll wear it...quite annoying & presumptuous.


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Re: Susan and Sandra on Sunday Night

@tropics21 wrote:

It is my opinion that Susan Graver is very well aware that she talks over her host and the babbling irrates customers, but she does it anyway, why?  I believe ever since Lori Goldstein arrived, Susan is not longer the top fashion designer and seller at QVC Susan Graver knows that AND because of that she is increased her obnoixiousness on air to try to drive her sales up.  Personally, it is not only LOGO who has successfully passed Susan but Susan herself has chased customers away.  Susan should watch herself after shows and see how ridiculous she sounds and acts, if she has already done so and cotinues to act like this it is only because of the $$$$$ she wants in sales nothing more.  She is capable of change but at the end of the day it is all about making money and being #1 at qvc, which she is no longer

I just have to state......there is no way Lori Goldstein is the top designer at QVC...........more like a one trick pony.....................Susan can go overboard with the talking and interrupting .............but Sandra is CONSTANTLY talking the two of them together is a disaster.....................................