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I think some posters enjoy being helpful and don’t mind answering or researching the questions asked.I think some are better sleuths than others too.I love to help when I can and feel great if I have a good answer or solution to assist.

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@RespectLife wrote:

I haven't really noticed this (I do not visit the travel forum).


However, I will admit to be the WORSE GOOGLER on the planet.  Is that a word?  LOL


I can google Lawn mowers and bananas will come up!  I swear I never get results even remotely close to what I am looking for.


Maybe those asking are not 'search' savvy or struggle on computers?


Often I have seen people state they would prefer someone recommend, or something 'tried and true' as opposed to randomly picking something outta GoogleLand.


@RespectLife   This was SO funny!! Smiley LOL

Thank you.

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I understand the frustration about searching for Q items, especially when they are IN THE SHOW that the host is presenting.


I don't mind helping to find items that people see on air, but it does get old when the "new poster" #93 never returns to say thank you or at least leave a heart to show that they have read the post again. 


Then I feel as if I have wasted my time and it makes me reluctant to do this again for new poster #94.


I also dislike the "What were you wearing on Thursday?" posts, with no information about the program, who the host was, an item number where the video shows what they are looking for, or even a mention of WHICH CHANNEL this was on.



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Whether I plan to travel to a place or not their are some areas I am interested in reading what people have to say. After reading about safaris, think I’ll pass due to bathroom issues which I never even thought to look into. Just one example.

As for other questions either read or pass, for me mostly I pass. No big deal! Not going to get uptight over someone asking for help.
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@lolakimono ...............thats exactly what I am talking about.  I have helped a few, Im talking just about QVC, and hunted items for them with no thanks and when they ask for a certains vendors item and I go to that vendor and its the 3rd item listed it kind of irritating that they couldnt do it themselves.


Sad to say I have mostly quit helping as much.


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@Imaoldhippie @I believe we should help if we can...some people probably just enjoy the attention and that is fine.I will always try to make someone happy esp. if it is that easy.I think a few posters here are not too great with their computers and ask for assistance with things that aren’t that hard to track down.I used to be one of those but I have learned much from all of the helpful people here.I thank everyone who has been patient and understanding of all of my questions and taught me how to use my computer.I used to type in all caps often as I pushed the caps lock button accidentally and didn’t know how to stop.Many people asked me why I was always yelling .....I didn’t have a clue where they got that idea.LOL


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It doesn't bother me if people ask for help.  If I know the answer, I'm glad to share it.  Why read a post asking for help (or advice) if you don't like them.


Google tailors itself to what a person typically searches. It's not just a matter of searching.  A lot depends on what that person has searched in the past.  After a while of searching, google thinks it knows the kinds of things you want to show up in results.  For example:  If someone searches a certain product, that product will continue showing up in some search results.  If someone searches a political issue, other issues along that same conservative, moderate, or liberal leaning will continue to show up.  

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I don't mind helping out if it's something that isn't easily researched and/or I have information.


It is rude, however, when there's no acknowledgment of the help or a follow-up by the OP.

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People can respond or not respond.  It's their choice.  I've helped some people out and gotten a thanks and other times I haven't.  It doesn't deter me from continuing to help if I can.  


I do post in the travel forum and I've never been under the impression that anyone is asking another poster to do all their research for them for a trip.  To me, posters are looking for people who have been to the same area and they want advice on where to stay or any must see spots.


For instance, NYC is huge and there are good hotels and many bad hotels.  I see nothing wrong with asking for hotel advice/recommendations.   Some people are new travels or don't travel often and don't even know where to start with a vacation.


If someone doesn't want to help, then don't.    

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I did not make it clear in tmy original post that I was talking about searching here on QVC and mostly clothing items.  


People see a clothing item on a host and they dont search QVC for it themselves.


Also, I am not upset, angry or anything else because of it, I just think they are lazy and want someone else to do the work searching.


This is merely an observation on my part and not all that important.