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Re: Stop scaring people about "food shortages"

I was not talking price all of QVC items are too expensive. I just was stating that there is no pasta here in PA & that is where QVC is located. So the host was telling the truth so why should she apologize.

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Re: Stop scaring people about "food shortages"

I live in Pa and tp, rice,soup,frozen veggies ,pasta, cleaning products,hand sanitizers are not always available to purchase. We have meat but definitely a lot less on the shelves than before. We have had ,bread,milk,butter and eggs every time I have gone to the store which is every two weeks.

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Re: Stop scaring people about "food shortages"

You may have to adjust your shopping list . We are all used to certain foods , unfortunately the demand  and availability has changed . Prices are increasing and who knows what will be coming . My neighbors BBQ steak a few times a week . Yes they can afford it . I cannot and my choice is to be frugal .  I am not jealous of them . I am happy for them . As long as my puppies have their Blue  , then that is all that matters . I am fortunate to have as much . God Bless you and all.

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Registered: ‎11-22-2018

Re: Stop scaring people about "food shortages"

there was a food supply shortage on certain items a few weeks ago in the Boston area but the shelves are fully stocked now and you can find whatever you need even if you have to go to a few markets. By the way did I calculate wrong was QVC selling Hamburg for 12.00 lb on one of their food shows yesterday. That would be a big NO for me.

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Re: Stop scaring people about "food shortages"

Pasta as either been completely out or nearly gone where I live since this began.  I am just seeing it back in stock on Amazon in limited supply.


QVC apologize?  No you should.  Evidently you have not been grocery shopping lately or you live in an unaffected area.

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Re: Stop scaring people about "food shortages"

QVC has always had its host use different sales tactics to move a product: "it's only ___$$ to get this home," " I only have so many to go around and when they're gone they're" etc.  And the effects of the pandemic have been thrown in.  But QVC is not only company to use COVID-19 to sell stuff.

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Re: Stop scaring people about "food shortages"

It seems food is the one thing that is selling out on QVC during this pandemic.  I think people just want the convenience of not leaving home and also like the security of knowing food is coming, whatever the price.  There are scary news stories about shortages and people are just reacting.  My store is well stocked now for most things; it may not be the brand name you are used to getting but there is plenty of anything you might need.  Even hand sanitizer is on the shelf again; not the brands we are used to but its still hand sanitizer. Same for wipes, not Chlorox but same ingredients.  Lots of pasta on my shelves.

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Registered: ‎07-23-2010

Re: Stop scaring people about "food shortages"

here in the Philadelphia area, there have been shortages of various things. Ground beef was hard to find for a while and so was fresh chicken and pasta. The stores finally put limits on the quantity people could buy and that has helped with keeping better availabilty.


I was excited last week when I finally found boxes of the tissues that I like. My regular store hasn't had them since this all started.


I buy things differently than I did before this but am trying to not overbuy which is part of what the issue has been with creating shortages.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Stop scaring people about "food shortages"

I was surprised at how well stocked the meat department at our Fry's grocery store was.  Safeway also had a full supply of fresh meat.




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Posts: 34,256
Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: Stop scaring people about "food shortages"

[ Edited ]

Supplies seem to vary throughout the U.S. We do have shortages of pasta, rice, beans and cleaning products here in South Texas, so the host's story holds true with us.... ....Our grocery store chain limited meat purchases so thankfully there's enough for everyone....


QVC's food is VERY PRICEY...and in places where the temperatures are already in the 90's, like here in Texas, I'd be concerned about any food deliveries....there have been stories about the dry ice not holding up OR spoiled and ruined food deliveries....  So I try to adjust my menus to what's available....

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