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Re: Some hosts talk too fast !

@SusieQ_2 wrote:

@Love to Run wrote:

Well I hate slow talking, so there's that.

Same for me which is why I love watching YouTube and podcasts where I can increase the speed. 


It seems that as some people age they need more time to process and could be why so many here wish things were slower. Just a thought Smiley Happy

@SusieQ_2 uhm excuse me are you implying I'm old and need time to process!??   My brain processes just fine thank you .   I just feel some hosts need to take a breath once in awhile .  It's exhausting at times.   

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Re: Some hosts talk too fast !

To me, none of the hosts talk too fast. When I think of "speed talking" I think of the old FedEx (then known as Federal Express) commercials. That was fast.

We used to have a local radio show called "Bedtime Magic." The DJ spoke like..."The light is flashing blue......on the Hancock we are together....on...Bedtime Magic."
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Re: Some hosts talk too fast !

The one thing i can't take lately these days is the CONSTANT interrupting mainly by the hosts and at times

by the vendors..........each is so busy trying to outsell

eachother..............i LOVE when a host says to the vendor "tell us all about the product" and the vendor

starts to describe the product and the host interrupts

within a minute or so and never lets the vendor finish

their explaination...too much...and it never usually due to time constraint 

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Re: Some hosts talk too fast !

@lilywhite wrote:

You mean like LITTERALLY letting a host waddle up, put her face right in the camera and threaten viewers?  I'm not watching and I'm not buying.

No one threatened viewers.  What would they threaten to do to to you?  Stick out their tongue and put their thumbs in their ears and wiggle their fingers....oh, how scary.





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Re: Some hosts talk too fast !

@Carmie you're right. I watched the video when this particular incident happened. Nobody was threatened. Threatened with what?
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Re: Some hosts talk too fast !

I literally cannot watch the presentations any more.

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Re: Some hosts talk too fast !

I'm from the south and old so, the words that are spewed out really quickly seem to get rattled together in my little brain. I can't process. I have a niece under 30 who talks so fast that I miss much of what she's saying. I think it's just the way it is now. Between age-related hearing loss and not being able to hear their words, I'm usually asking people to repeat, which is embarrassing to me. What bothers me most about the hosts/presenters is when they all try to speak at once. They usually don't say anything product related, I usually keep the TV on mute, so it doesn't bother me while watching QVC. I count on whatever information they choose to provide online. The presentations have begun to remind me of the snake oil salesmen of old who thought, if they talked fast and loud enough, the buyers would purchase whatever they offered.


I think that, if QVC wants to cater more to the younger set, they feel they have to do what they believe works for that audience. I don't know for sure but think all the producers are probably very young and it appeals to them.

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Re: Some hosts talk too fast !

@lilywhite wrote:

You mean like LITTERALLY letting a host waddle up, put her face right in the camera and threaten viewers?  I'm not watching and I'm not buying.



Who threatened who about what?  I must have missed it.


Anyone have a video or item # where/when this occurred?

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Re: Some hosts talk too fast !

@Carmie wrote:

@lilywhite wrote:

You mean like LITTERALLY letting a host waddle up, put her face right in the camera and threaten viewers?  I'm not watching and I'm not buying.

No one threatened viewers.  What would they threaten to do to to you?  Stick out their tongue and put their thumbs in their ears and wiggle their fingers....oh, how scary.





@Carmie Jane's words were, "Don’t talk about my children in a bad way on social media,” she warned. “I’m coming to find you.”  You can take it as literally or figuratively as you'd like, but I don't find it to be very professional or appropriate - especially since this isn't the first time it happened.  

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Re: Some hosts talk too fast !

@AnnieBelle wrote:

@Carmie wrote:

@lilywhite wrote:

You mean like LITTERALLY letting a host waddle up, put her face right in the camera and threaten viewers?  I'm not watching and I'm not buying.

No one threatened viewers.  What would they threaten to do to to you?  Stick out their tongue and put their thumbs in their ears and wiggle their fingers....oh, how scary.





@Carmie Jane's words were, "Don’t talk about my children in a bad way on social media,” she warned. “I’m coming to find you.”  You can take it as literally or figuratively as you'd like, but I don't find it to be very professional or appropriate - especially since this isn't the first time it happened.  

Yes, she did say that.  Those who understand sarcasm got it.  Those who don't understand never will.


It was said in jest. There was nothing wrong with what she said or did.  

You just missed the boat on the interperation.