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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I sign in, then go to post,and have to sign in ,yet again.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Posts: 403
Registered: ‎02-18-2022

Me, too.  Hate that.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,797
Registered: ‎08-01-2019

That happens to me sometimes.  I wondered if it was during certain hours....maybe when there are no moderaters online.  I know SS Administration locks their online website during non-business hours. 

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@goldensrbest  You refering to the "Main" sign in (as in to order or look at your orders) vs the blogs and forums?  There is a very good reason they are separate and require 2 different sign ins.  Some people don't want to order but still want to be a part of the boards.  The boards are a separate entity since you have to create a "name" to post under as opposed to your "user name" for just ordering items. Also there are those that just want to order and would never want to be part of a "forum".  If you're having to sign in after each time you post on the boards then that's weird.  I've never had that.  If that's the case you're saying the forums are signing you out each time you post?  

Valued Contributor
Posts: 521
Registered: ‎01-27-2015

Happens to me as well . So annoying!

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Posts: 21,371
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

There are two SEPARATE sign-ins for the Q:


At the top of the page....just to the left of the "cart" image, there is a store "sign- in"  that is used if you are purchasing something.


The FORUM sign-in is two lines below that...where it says "notifications".   You should stay signed in if you are using the FORUMS, and for approximately 2 hours after you have been active.   

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Posts: 22,948
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

Once I sign in to the forums, I am automatically signed in to my account on the main (shopping) page.


But I if only sign in to my account on the shopping side, I have to sign in once again to post on the forum.  

Once I'm signed in to either, I stay signed in until I clear my history at the end of the day.