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Re: Signing in Every Day Now...

I need to sign in every day, and sometimes if I sign in fairly early in the morning, I'll be prompted to sign in again if I check the forums at night. It only takes two seconds, so it's no big deal to me.

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Re: Signing in Every Day Now...

It took me 4 times to sing in and post right now.....annoying and Yes I do clear everything....It's a QVC tech issue

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Registered: ‎06-27-2010

Re: Signing in Every Day Now...

@northiie57 wrote:

It took me 4 times to sing in and post right now.....annoying and Yes I do clear everything....It's a QVC tech issue


It's not a QVC tech issue if you're clearing your cookies.  The cookies are what allows the website to recognize you.  There would be no reason to clear cookies and cache if you want to be tracked / recognized.