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Instead of the cape I was hoping to have for the wknd: I'm traveling out of town to see specialist and needed something warm but not heavy; I got an Isaac Mizrahi XL dress with no packing slip. I'm a S.

Called CS and she said they'd send me a return label and send cape UPS Express. I was so exhausted I said O.K. Was at doctor's all afternoon.

But it was still in process this afternoon so express doesn't mean much. I won't have it for wknd. I asked to speak to a supervisor. She said they'd pick up wrong package but couldn't send it any faster. I told her nicely how disappointed I'd been with the Q recently and when I could I shopped online elsewhere. That this was the cherry on the top and would be cutting back if not ending my Q shopping.

I asked for the address of corporate and told her when I felt better I'd be writing a letter; that the first CS person I spoke to last night made the biggest impression and it was not a good one.

I've wanted to cut my spending so maybe this is a good thing. I feel very strongly about who I give my money to.

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It increasingly seems that there is no area of the operation where they don't need to clean up their act. In fairness and to be sure, mistakes will always happen, but it just seems a little like things around the ole Q are increasingly out of control.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Shop elsewhere. There are plenty of places that will gladly take your money and make many less mistakes that the Q.
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Happened to me too. I received a Joan Rivers jacket in XXS and it had red flowers on it. Funny thing is I didn't order an article of clothing! Big mistake...huge!

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Happenned to me this week as well, Ordered my favorite Ole Henrikson cleanser and got a bracelet buddy instead!!! Sephora was temporarily out of stock so I went with the Q as I was running low. Never again.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I have a few small Linea items to get and then I'm finished for the winter. I do no xmas shopping from the Q so that's easy. I have found many websites for other items.

Mistakes do happen, but I remember when CS went all out to make things right.

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Shortly after I wrote this entry I got a call from the Q. It was a very nice woman who gave me a twenty five dollar credit. She said she'd read my entry. I also made an entry in fashion the night before but I suspect this was the one she read.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

This order is jinxed. UPS threw the cape in front of the door where we take our trash.

My super brought it upstairs. I have a lobby and there are apartment numbers.

The cape is tight. I always wear a S. Not this time.

I called and got a very icy CS person. She said I should use US mail. I told her there was no drop down for U.S. mail and had to convince her that I knew how to order. She then told me that corporate had decided I had to have UPS because I needed a signature. UPS never asks for a signature. She said this couldn't be changed.

I wrote a letter to corporate.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Happy ending: I called to see how many Red M capes were left; I had been told many in stock.

HA! there were three. And a very nice CS person shipped one out to me. Now I hope UPS actually delivers it.

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should give u a discount