Posts: 69
Registered: ‎10-12-2019

On Oct 17th a lady ordered an Isaac Mizrahi top "As Is".  EDD was Oct 23rd.  But alas, the EDD was changed to Oct 28th.  And then......wait for it......all of a sudded it was (gasp) BACK ORDERED!!!  (Shriek)  The lady was stunned!  How could an "As Is" item be back ordered, she wondered.  The continuing saga of QVC fulfillment continues....


To Be Continued

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Posts: 74,879
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Sad Story of an Isaac Top

Sorry, but considering the things going on in this world,  this is not high on the "sad" scale.  I'd call it slightly unfortunate.  They oversell certain items, then try to get more from their distributor.   They are often successful but not always.    Hope you get your top.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
Posts: 69
Registered: ‎10-12-2019

Re: Sad Story of an Isaac Top

LOL Lighten up

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Posts: 210
Registered: ‎12-08-2017

Re: Sad Story of an Isaac Top

That has happened to me lately with some "as-is" purchases. I've purchased "as-is" for many years and it might have happened once or twice over that time- changing from "in process" to "backorder". Now it is more frequent.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,990
Registered: ‎05-13-2010

Re: Sad Story of an Isaac Top

@buffieg   This is hilarious - a waitlist as is item.  They're obviously anticipating more returns on this item. 

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 140
Registered: ‎09-13-2019

Re: Sad Story of an Isaac Top

At one point I had 8 items (most as is) at one time on backorder!  Very frustrating.

Seemed they were holding orders for returns to come in and ship to next person.  I did get some, and most cancelled.  Despite having stock on hand at full price.  Backorder means they are trying to gain more stock from vendor.