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I must be the only one who finds her annoying. Does not seem to have any personality or passion for the products.  and "OH so boring".

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I'm a fan! I read they call her "Frau Rusch" because her husband is from Germany. I was watching one night when she mentioned her family and talked about visiting her in laws in Germany. She just told a quick story, and I enjoyed hearing it. Her young daughter is adorable, and she is a proud mommy! 




She seems to be someone concerned about others. It comes through in her hosting style, and she does a good job giving details.  Smiley Happy

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Stacey is lovely & a class act
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She has left QVC.

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Registered: ‎05-19-2019
I find her annoying, and boring also!!!
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@Maryrose828 wrote:

She has left QVC.

If anyone finds out where she went to, let us know.   She is well worth following.   A very professional, intelligent, poised, and talented woman.    

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@Maryrose828  Oh no!. I really liked Stacy. I wonder what  happened. I wish her the very best.

Posts: 73
Registered: ‎11-27-2011
Just saw that she has left QVC. Honestly she was one of my favorites as she was calm and took her time giving details about whatever she was presenting. She was mostly only on QVC2 but even with that I would hardly ever see her.
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Registered: ‎02-06-2022
Definitely a big loss for the Q! She should have been presenting on the main channel during the day more.
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She just never seemed to catch on with the viewers.  Didn't help that QVC seemed to push hosts like Monifa more than her, which never made any sense.


Last program I saw her on was a gardening show, and she had obviously checked out by then and had no interest in any of the items being sold.


Stacey always seemed distant to me, almost too pretty and unrelatable to an average person.