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Returning an item that has been washed & dried

Has anyone returned a clothing item that has been washed & dried and came out too wrinkled?   I ordered an item for my sister, she washed & dried the item before wearing, and did not like how wrinkled the item came out, she is handicapped and cannot iron, she wants me to return  ..........  will QVC take it back?  TIA!

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Re: Returning an item that has been washed & dried

Yes, you habe 30 day return policy. I habe washed and dried am item an returned. No problem.

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Re: Returning an item that has been washed & dried

You can return it but no one wants an item that's been washed & dried, at least write the information on the box so it doesn't get sold as new...I don't even want it as an As Is.

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Re: Returning an item that has been washed & dried

Absolutely.  I have washed and dried several clothing items that shrank too much.  If I followed the care instructions and it shrank too much, that is on QVC, not me, and I would expect a full refund.  As for too wrinkled, certainly return it.  However unless it was stated that it would not wrinkle, I would not expect to be fully reimbursed.

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Re: Returning an item that has been washed & dried

If I wear an item and I need to return it for whatever reason, I always wash it.  I would never send back worn dirty clothing.


i have never returned anything because it wrinkles.  I wear mostly 100% cotton and it always wrinkles as does linen and other natural is supposed to.


if you do not want to iron, buy polyester and other non wrinkling fabrics.


QVC does take back items in any condition within 30 days of purchase.

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Re: Returning an item that has been washed & dried

Yes you can.  I always wash items before I wear them and if I follow the instructions and they shrink or are otherwise unwearable I return them.  

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Re: Returning an item that has been washed & dried

If I followed the care instructions and the item came out a wrinkly mess; I think that qualifies as a flaw and it's ok to return it.  It won't be a problem at all if it's within the 30 day period.    If I didn't follow the care instructions and tossed it hot water with the sheets and it came out wrinkly, that would be my fault and I personally would not return it.  To me, returns are an "honor system" thing.  I probably have kept things that I really should have returned.  

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Re: Returning an item that has been washed & dried

[ Edited ]

Somethng smells funny in this post hooty.


Send it back see what happens.

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Re: Returning an item that has been washed & dried

@kitcat51 wrote:

You can return it but no one wants an item that's been washed & dried, at least write the information on the box so it doesn't get sold as new...I don't even want it as an As Is.

@kitcat51, I do have common sense, thank you for your unkind response!!!

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Posts: 8,235
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Returning an item that has been washed & dried

[ Edited ]

Why does something smell funny, I asked a honest question, I will just eat it and donate the pants  ........  obviously some of you didn't read my post clearly, the pants were not for me!!!