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I have to really watch myself using my QCard.  All the temptations with EasyPay, things can really get out of control quickly.  With the 26.49% APR annual interest rate, you can sink fast.

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Posts: 2,309
Registered: ‎10-15-2010

Honestly, I think you should cancel your card. I've been shopping with QVC for a very long time and I will never open one for all the reasons listed.  No incentive for me. 


I use mostly my debit card for purchases so I am debt free. When you feel the pain of seeing your checking account go down, after a while it makes you stop with easy pay regardless of how low it is. 


I'm at the point that I can post here without the inclination or desire to look at QVC's offerings almost 100% of the time. If I buy something, I pay the entire amount up front.  I'm really thinking and processing my purchases and I have the rationale that if I'm making someone else rich, I'd better really want or need that item because I'm making myself poorer.


If you think of it that way, you will want to cut that card right up and not use it.



~Live with Intention~
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It is very good you are aware of this slippery slope. The card has no rewards and has an exorbitant interest rate. 

With all the only 'pennies a day' you can pay forever.


I have 3-4 cards, really use only one and pay off entirety at end of the month. I never use easy pay because it is deceptive. I need to know how much I owe. 


Additionally, for me me it is very difficult to keep track of many different easy pays. I speak only for myself.


Good luck to you!

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Posts: 9,305
Registered: ‎06-08-2016

I get paid every 2 weeks.   

I make a payment on my card each payday.


If you only pay the minimum, you are right, you will sink fast.


@Double-D wrote:

I have to really watch myself using my QCard.  All the temptations with EasyPay, things can really get out of control quickly.  With the 26.49% APR annual interest rate, you can sink fast.


Regular Contributor
Posts: 234
Registered: ‎10-12-2016

@software wrote:

I get paid every 2 weeks.   

I make a payment on my card each payday.


If you only pay the minimum, you are right, you will sink fast.


@Double-D wrote:

I have to really watch myself using my QCard.  All the temptations with EasyPay, things can really get out of control quickly.  With the 26.49% APR annual interest rate, you can sink fast.


You're quite right. It WILL get out of hand if you only ever make minimum payments. This is true for EVERYTHING though, not just the Q-Card.


I have a budget that I write out every month (on a spreadsheet) and on it I have all my ezpays no matter what card they are coming off of. That way I know how much extra I have to put on those cards in addition to what I am paying for the regular payment.


It works well for me because I am a stickler for the details and when it comes to money I need to know where it's all headed.