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Interesting I got the email today -- it stated buy any item from Mary's in the Kitchen show get $10 e-certificate on each item bought on 4/1/16. It then said "shop the show" although it's Sunday 4/2 (offer not valid).


I stand corrected it was a offer only during Mary's show.  I see they are really pushing new Qcard & memberships even today there is a $5 offer for becoming a member.


I hope you were able to take advantage of the offer - I don't really need another kitchen item!

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@homedecor1 - I received the same email today(4/2) @8:30 a.m. informing me of the deal that was offered yesterday on Mary's show only.  Why would they send it the day after the offer expired?


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@evelyner wrote:

I don't get it either. Spectrum is the same. 

@evelyner- I get both and have Spectrum

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I'm sorry - I mistyped - the main QVC channel on Direct is 275 as you mentioned.  This old age is becomming tiring - all the mistakes and believe it or not, I read everything over before I send and still make mistakes  Smiley Sad

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I think the last thing the Q needed was another channel when the original is in pretty bad shape.

~ When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. The palace turns into a circus. - Turkish Proverb
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Why doesn't Comcast pick it up?  

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@grooms no worries, we all do it!  Smiley Happy

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What's different about this new Q2 and the Q2 they had years ago?
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@evelyner  I have Spectrum and I have both channels on high def?