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[ Edited ]

@Spurt... I was looking the other day at one of the HGTV magazine 'makeovers'... You know the ones... where the before typically looks better than the after... And the before wasn't great... but the after looks like some wannbe designer threw every color and pattern and piece of unappealing furniture into a blender, took it out, threw it up (literally) and kept whatever happened to stick... No... Just no... So help me this dining room looked like a melange of every ugly, bright-to-the-point-of-bilious geometric pattern available... The funny part was the caption read something about moving your 80's dining room into 2017... Really, I thought, because it looked pretty 1960's (and bad 1960's...) to me... Ugly-ugly-ugly... If' they'd 'made-over' my dining room like that I'd still be chasing them down the street... Saddest of all, the 'before' version just needed some simple tweaking and yes, a bit of updating... but it was essentially bull-dozed... I'll also venture to say that the furniture featured in the 'before' version will still be sturdy years after all the 'put it together yourself' junk currently widely available has been hauled to the dump, where it belongs...


Turn the page and their solution to 'updating' a 'tired old dresser' was to take a fairly attractive looking French style chest and paint it school bus yellow... right down to the drawer pulls... What an improvement... NOT... The piece might well have benefited from refinishing or painting, but they essentially ruined it...


I get it that I'm not their demographic... I left 'early dorm room', uh, chic... behind long ago... Thankfully...


They're just too cute for their own good...




All that said, sorry girl, but I love 3/4 length sleeves...


Woman LOL



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[ Edited ]

@stevieb wrote:

@Spurt... I was looking the other day at one of the HGTV magazine 'makeovers'... You know the ones... where the before typically looks better than the after... And the before wasn't great... but the after looks like some wannbe designer threw every color and pattern and piece of unappealing furniture into a blender, took it out, threw it up (literally) and kept whatever happened to stick... No... Just no... So help me this dining room looked like a melange of every ugly, bright-to-the-point-of-bilious geometric pattern available... The funny part was the caption read something about moving your 80's dining room into 2017... Really, I thought, because it looked pretty 1960's (and bad 1960's...) to me... Ugly-ugly-ugly... If' they'd 'made-over' my dining room like that I'd still be chasing them down the street... Saddest of all, the 'before' version just needed some simple tweaking and yes, a bit of updating... but it was essentially bull-dozed... I'll also venture to say that the furniture featured in the 'before' version will still be sturdy years after all the 'put it together yourself' junk currently widely available has been hauled to the dump, where it belongs...


Turn the page and their solution to 'updating' a 'tired old dresser' was to take a fairly attractive looking French style chest and paint in school bus yellow... right down to the drawer pulls... What an improvement... NOT... The piece might well have benefited from refinishing or painting, but they essentially ruined it...


I get it that I'm not their demographic... I left 'early dorm room', uh, chic... behind long ago... Thankfully...


They're just too cute for their own good...




All that said, sorry girl, but I love 3/4 length sleeves...


Woman LOL





Why that makeover sounds downright......Download puking 3 I used to enjoy and even subscribed to magazines to get decorating tips and ideas, then the ideas became so HIDEOUS that I stopped buying and subscribing........  Why are the designers so in love with the sixities flower power designs and geometric qwap---its certainly NOT inviting nor relaxing....frankly it gives me a headache!!!!  I guess part of the 60's was a rebellious time in history and they feel it fits perfectly with today's society.....or some psychological rot to that effect.....






And I have to laugh at the pressed particle board furniture and all the news stories of the furniture easily knocked to the now they advise everyone to BOLT their dressers to a wall to keep the furniture safe....Maybe that's what they deserve for buying that cheap junk.....All they need to do is go to an antique shop and buy some furniture.....they can paint it or stain it any color and have a good solid piece of REAL WOOD furniture that can't easily be knocked safety bolting required......imagine that..... Woman Frustrated



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[ Edited ]

@stevieb wrote:

@Spurt Did you see this thread and the accompanying link to the article referenced...



Yep, I saw the thread and the article quoted the same stuff that's in the actual report and same quotes from Mikey and Gregg.  Yep, the QVC customers who posted on that thread are coming to the same conculsion and saying a lot of the same things as the folks here, it looks like a Q customer rebellion--LOL. I also made a comment and provided a link on that thread if they wanted to read the full report..... Am I missing something??????????? Is there a particular comment that I may have missed?


Domestic QVC decreased 6.8% for the 4th quarter, the report said 7%, and consolidated revenue decreased 1% for 2016 and 3% for the quarter.....International remained flat for the quarter and for 2016 increased 3%......And Zulilly had a 14% increase......Zulilly has it's own CEO & President Darrell Cravens.....zulily fourth quarter 2015 results include the impact of a $17 million one-time, non-cash purchase accounting reduction in deferred revenue. Excluding the impact of this purchase accounting adjustment, revenue grew 5% and adjusted OIBDA grew 5% in the fourth quarter of 2016.









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No @Spurt, nothing missed. And upon reading through it I realized you'd seen and posted, as did I... This just reaffirms my earlier thoughts. The feedback is literally EVERYWHERE if they choose to read it... And if they don't, well, that's on them and they can live with the results... Surveys, panels and customer committees aren't needed... I don't want them to take action to make us THINK they're interested in what we have to say... I just want them to BE interested in what their customers are saying... and to respond accordingly. WHAT a concept...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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[ Edited ]

@stevieb wrote:

No @Spurt, nothing missed. And upon reading through it I realized you'd seen and posted, as did I... This just reaffirms my earlier thoughts. The feedback is literally EVERYWHERE if they choose to read it... And if they don't, well, that's on them and they can live with the results... Surveys, panels and customer committees aren't needed... I don't want them to take action to make us THINK they're interested in what we have to say... I just want them to BE interested in what their customers are saying... and to respond accordingly. WHAT a concept...



Yep, your's funny how we can see the flaws yet QVC can't or more likely doesn't want to listen.....   Many an enterprise that didn't pay attention to their customers have ended up in the retail graveyard.....


And I love the way the article outlined Mikey's excuses.....

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Some of us have been asking, begging for some different designers.  


Just a more varied group of people.  When you look at the Southern station you realize how many different designers they have over there.


My life-style is that of 70 year old woman who goes to dinner and the Drs (every now and then something different).  However, I do buy nice clothes, it just gives me pleasure.


I also understand a younger woman wanting to buy other clothes other than Denim and Co and leisure clothes.  Just saying.


Vary the shoes.  Not so much Clarks, Vivonic (whatever it's called), etc. 


Obviously QVC doesn't understand that even though some of us (me) doesn't always buy some clothes we enjoy looking at variations and will often tune in to see different things.  Show us something other than Quacker Factory.


I love, love Louis Dell'Olio.  He's almost never on.  His clothes are well made and fit many different life styles.


There must be other designers out there.  I remember the 'old days'.  It was fun to watch QVC, now it's boring.


Come on people, get with the program here.

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[ Edited ]



Like I've written before QVC provides some of the best comedy around ......  I love the way they are quoted as saying and always have an action plan in place to "fix the problem".....  it's more new shows with new hosts....but same ole stuff.....what's the saying if you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig.....BTW speaking of lipstick beauty was one of it's cash cows and now they've done the overkill on that too...

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[ Edited ]

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

Some of us have been asking, begging for some different designers.  


Just a more varied group of people.  When you look at the Southern station you realize how many different designers they have over there.


My life-style is that of 70 year old woman who goes to dinner and the Drs (every now and then something different).  However, I do buy nice clothes, it just gives me pleasure.


I also understand a younger woman wanting to buy other clothes other than Denim and Co and leisure clothes.  Just saying.


Vary the shoes.  Not so much Clarks, Vivonic (whatever it's called), etc. 


Obviously QVC doesn't understand that even though some of us (me) doesn't always buy some clothes we enjoy looking at variations and will often tune in to see different things.  Show us something other than Quacker Factory.


I love, love Louis Dell'Olio.  He's almost never on.  His clothes are well made and fit many different life styles.


There must be other designers out there.  I remember the 'old days'.  It was fun to watch QVC, now it's boring.


Come on people, get with the program here.



I agree....And let's give credit to QVC customers---- Louis was saved by his loyal customer base when QVC wanted to cut ties the way they did with other designers....but for once QVC listened but the Q doesn't put him on air very much....


I remember Annabelle how QVC used to bring in a different designer from time to time with a new fresh perspective to liven things it's the same few designers over and over ad nauseum.....And same shoe brands too....


No matter what the age group clothing styles are in the more casual mode these days for all age groups as the corporate world has relaxed their dress codes and most even now allow jeans in the workplace..... Some people do dress up for important meetings/events .......... 


I think you hit the nail on the head----VARIETY is the key word!

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@Spurt Yes!  Like I said, I enjoy watching a variety of designers.  I might buy one thing or nothing that time but I'm more likely to tune in if I know it's going to be something other than Susan Graver or Denim & Co.  Nothing wrong with them.  I have a lot of their clothes, but I also keep QVC on just for background noise sometimes.  I know other people who do that.


Every time I look up the same people, the same things are on my screen.  I've already gone down memory lane a few months ago on some of the old designers they used to have.  It was so much fun looking at the varied clothes and designers.