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@stevieb @GinaV24  The labor day weekend preview is up where I expounded on yet another "stellar" weekend.....  I mean really---watching demos on hair cleansing and organizing and cleaning on a nice long weekend is just NOT my cup of tea---or beverage of any kind for that matter.... Cat TongueSmiley TongueWoman Tongue  


How many "garbage can ratings" do ya give it STEVIE?  



Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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@stevieb wrote:

Well, Spurt, @Spurt, as you might have guessed, I haven't watched your team thus far (and have no plans to), but based on last year's performance, am somewhat surprised they picked Cousins to start...  Still, anything and I mean anything would be preferable to the has been who never was. I think his statue might be more effective at the position and probably show more mobility. And yes, they need to cut those ties that bind (as Lucy would say...) once and for all.


Oh yea, I love going to the grocery store and having to navigate the boxes and crates, as if they haven't already tried to stuff more into too small a space to begin with, so that all the aisles are already like obstacle courses... I did two small trips last week rather than a single large trip, but despite spending significant sums both times, don't feel as though I actually have anything around to prepare to eat...


Yep, 'active adult' communities, I think they like to be called. I'm not quite there yet, but after the experience here, it's for sure something to think about. Actually, part of the cause of the pool fiasco relates back to lifeguards that seem to think they just have to sit there, never intervene and never call a break, so the kids are more or less forced to get out and calm down. I swear though, the kid influx seemed to happen overnight. I guess I've now been here for about five years and for most of that time, this was pretty clearly an almost total adult community, but in the last year or so, so many folks have moved in with their little darlings. I can only hope most of them are renting and will move on and that when they do, the tide will turn back. And yes, the mommies dearest, sit over there in the corner gabbing and let their little darlings just have at it... and I guess the rest of us are just supposed to smile sweetly and endure...


The Q has really unleashed the reigns on EP and yes, I've been saying for some time it's because they're hurting. We see far more of it than we ever did before and they seem to be having quite a few of their little EP 'flash sales' between 8 and midnight... ("we have a secret..", oh brother!) Doesn't much matter to me, because you see, what they've failed to grasp, is that if they don't offer anything one wants to buy in the first place, or if those few items one might want to buy are out of stock, on wait list or are otherwise priced too high (when shipping and the 'try on' fee are figured into the equation) then, like the programming, EP alone really isn't the hook it once was either. I'm afraid I'm getting by very nicely without much input from the Q, so here's to all those new customers keeping their ship afloat...


Smiley Wink


@stevieb I'm surprised my team didn't go with MCCoy---but ANYTHING and I do mean ANYTHING is better than what we had!!!  I wonder what they are going to do with THE THIRD'S statue at Baylor now..... It wouldn't surprise me if Jerrah Jones picked him up---after all he missed out on Johnny Football.....


And college football is starting.....I bet you will watch a few games of that ...... can't wait to see Notre Dame and David Robinson's son, Corey, play wide receiver.  Some interesting games tonight and this weekend!!!  I bet Katie is watching the battle of the Carolinas......


Parents now a days give a whole new meaning to the term of "neighborhood watch" as in--- once they turn their kids loose, they are EVERYONE'S responsibility EXCEPT theirs.......  


I think that it's interesting, that the Q seemed to borrow a page right  from Auntie M's with all the Easy Pays, and an extra Easy Pay when you use their credit card...... And things don't look to good with the problem with China's economy....they counted on China and Italy for those international dollars!!!   



Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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@GinaV24 wrote:

@Spurt yes, I have upholstered furniture placed strategicallly around the house to allow for a safe return to earth when they get tired of being up "high".  I will also say that my next TV, whenever I invest in a new one, will have the control buttons on the side, not the top so that there will be no channel changing or volume control done by whichever cat is laying on top of it.  I have been in the kitchen with the tv on andI'll hear the click as it goes off or worse yet, I'll hear the volume go down to nothing and then up to full shouting mode!  ha, then I have to run for the remote while they leave the room looking innocent.

@GinaV24  OMG---too funy with strategically placing the upholstered furniture to assure a safe landing for your kitties!!!   Hilarious about the remote, and I bet they do that on purpose...LOL!!!  

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”