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This is really getting to be laughable, here we go again - foil top and Byzantine ring every night. Does the Q think their customers are stupid to fall for these pathetic same specials every night?

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I think the Q is punking us.

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
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You missed the kringle express garland and logo slub swing top!!

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Amazon, why don’t they lower the price....?

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@Barb114 Totally agree. Especially the Lisa Rinna Foil Top.  The price is ridiculous (I think it's like $30 or $40 on prime time special, when it should have been no more than $10.  


Moderators, please have someone check your computer system to make sure that is not a computer glitch to have the same items show up day after day with the same price.

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That ring has become the Jessica Holbrook suede blazer of this decade.  They will never reduce the price.  What they will do is remove it from inventory for about two years, then bring it back as one of their pathetic sale specials, pretending it is a new item.  (Which of course it will be because it will be christened with a new item number.)

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That Lisa Rinna top has been on the specials for days and days.  Yes, they need to reduce the price.

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@Daysdee wrote:

That Lisa Rinna top has been on the specials for days and days.  Yes, they need to reduce the price.

More like months and months.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Prime time Specials

[ Edited ]

I know !!!!! And never lower the price. It is quite laughable. Do they need an okay from Lisa Rinna to lower the price or what?

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I'm sure the Rinna foil top (&/or other often repeated items) is there all the time for technical reasons. It acts as a url placeholder for the sub menus (lunchtime specials - and primetime specials)  that are  posted each day.