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It's amusing to see that someone thinks "poor" Amy was working all night until 5 or 6 in the morning.  But not everyone is a devoted denizen of the boards familiar with every thread.


As of now, the TSV host works from midnight to 1 am and occasionally will do the 1 am to 2 am hour.  A host from the newer group does the live  2 am to 3 am hour and may also do the 1 am to 2 am hour.


Then, the TSV hour is repeated from 3 am to 7 am.  All times are Eastern.

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@Johnnyeager wrote:

It's amusing to see that someone thinks "poor" Amy was working all night until 5 or 6 in the morning.  But not everyone is a devoted denizen of the boards familiar with every thread.


As of now, the TSV host works from midnight to 1 am and occasionally will do the 1 am to 2 am hour.  A host from the newer group does the live  2 am to 3 am hour and may also do the 1 am to 2 am hour.


Then, the TSV hour is repeated from 3 am to 7 am.  All times are Eastern.

@Johnnyeager   It's a losing cause.  There have been over a dozen threads regarding the pre-recorded shows, for months now.  In addition, it's right there in the Program Guide to see. 


Yet post after post of wondering about Amy's family life, the money she makes by working so many shows, the stress of her many working hours, etc.  


One of the early posts actually clarified it all.  It's like reading only the news headline and ignoring the actual article for complete information.   

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Are you kidding?She gets paid I am sure very well.You have to work for pay.

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Even if it was live, would the OP feel sorry for her and her family if she were a man?

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@Jepster wrote:

I awoke early this morning around 6AM and put QVC on..and there was Amy Stran at this ungodly hour.  Now, this evening, I turn on the Q, and Amy is back for like a 5 hour show (according to the program guide)...I think they are working her air time unfairly.  She is good, and I like her, but - she also has a family.  I don't know if Shawn will take over for her before midnight or just come on at midnight like the schedule says.  I just feel bad for Amy with these nutty hours - AND she has a family!!


That's called having a job. Why are you upset about Amy doing it? What about the other hosts and the entire crew of producers, camera people, and telephone operators who are also working to support whatever host is on air?


A lot of families choose to have one parent work a late or swing shift because of the costs of childcare. Childcare can take up a family's entire second income. If someone works a swing shift so that one parent can always (or at least often) be at home, they're not spending that money on daycare and can use it to save for college, vacations, a new home, whatever. At several companies I've worked for, some of the employees were married couples who worked different shifts for exactly that reason.


A lot of people around the country work late and swing shifts to keep things running smoothly for everyone else. People are working those hours to stock your grocery store shelves while you sleep, truck your goods across the country, get your packages packed and shipped to you in 2 days, or work on the roads so traffic is less interrupted during the day. I used to work from 5:00pm to 2:00am and it's amazing what you see going on at 3:00am. (And no lines at the grocery store!)

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@Jepster wrote:

I awoke early this morning around 6AM and put QVC on..and there was Amy Stran at this ungodly hour.  Now, this evening, I turn on the Q, and Amy is back for like a 5 hour show (according to the program guide)...I think they are working her air time unfairly.  She is good, and I like her, but - she also has a family.  I don't know if Shawn will take over for her before midnight or just come on at midnight like the schedule says.  I just feel bad for Amy with these nutty hours - AND she has a family!!



Apparently she liked the salary when she signed up so whatever hours she gets comes with the territory (and you could have been watching a pre-recorded show)....Nonetheless just because she has a family shouldnt mean she should get special privileges when it comes to schedules....LOTS of ordinary women in the working world have to put up with such in order to pay their bills and feed their families...I would not bring out the violins for Amy.... 

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@KatieB wrote:

Boy, could we get more nasty comments????   And one person seems to know how much she's paid (' She is compensated ridiculously swell.. ')     Good grief.



Do a google search when QVC sent out a "casting call" when they hired more hosts and it was indicated what the QVC hosts salary ranges are....

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Over 9,700 people applied for the job of Show Host, when ultimately four hosts (Kristine Zell, Courtney Khodabi, Mary Nelson, and Cathy Pedrayes) were hired.


So don’t feel sorry for Amy. It’s a plum job with very good pay.

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You forgot Alex Bultler.  She was one of the Fabulous Five.

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@Johnnyeager wrote:

You forgot Alex Bultler.  She was one of the Fabulous Five.

@Johnnyeager : Good point. I got this info from an undated article in the old Inside Q magazine. Maybe Alex wasn’t mentioned b/c she had already left by then? Interesting that only two of them are still there...


Here’s the link to the article:

~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~