I live in NH and realized after ordering the power washer that it was being shipped immediately and I would receive it next week (2/23). However, I won't be able to use it as it is still winter here with freezing temperatures, so I can't hook up my outside hoses for at least another 2 months. As I couldn't find any further info to find out if there was an extended QVC return policy due to this situation, I called Customer Service. Seth at CS said that this is the standard 30 day return policy, which leaves me and perhaps many others without an option to return it if we aren't happy with it's performance, not what we expected, etc. Of course, I'm hoping there will be no issues. Wish I had thought to ask this question before ordering, because I wouldn't have taken a chance to possibly be stuck with it if I'm not happy. QVC - I'm also posing this dilemma to you...would you consider honoring an extended return policy of 90 days?
Any other cold weather customers that have this same concern? Thanks.