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@ellaphant wrote:
I find Q Often has the plus size models in clothing that's too tight. Not flattering at all. I don't think Pam or host Carolyn look good in the clothing they wear.

some of the smaller models get stuck in tight clothing as well



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@MG Chris sorry,but it seems you are in a round about way,criticizing plus size people.please dont.everyone is beautiful inside and out regardless of their don't come at me

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Re: Pam the Model

[ Edited ]

I noticed Pam has lost some weight as well.  



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Leah lost weight and David and Isaac lost weight.  These people look better at the weight they should be.  It is the healthy way to go,  especially as we age.  Nothing wrong in noticing someone has lost weight and how much better they look. Let's face it people look better at their correct weight for their body type.  Extra weight triggers so many otherwise some avoidable health risks.


Losing weight and exercising more takes work.  They deserve what a way to go.  Congrats to all those who keep on trying.  You can drop the weight at any age.

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@Roscoe the Rascal wrote:

Leah lost weight and David and Isaac lost weight.  These people look better at the weight they should be.  It is the healthy way to go,  especially as we age.  Nothing wrong in noticing someone has lost weight and how much better they look. Let's face it people look better at their correct weight for their body type.  Extra weight triggers so many otherwise some avoidable health risks.


Losing weight and exercising more takes work.  They deserve what a way to go.  Congrats to all those who keep on trying.  You can drop the weight at any age.

Very true. I weigh 20 lbs less than I did in college. Aging is not an excuse for weight gain. Bad eating and not moving are.

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Re: Pam the Model

[ Edited ]

It is an awful thing to be obsessed with others weight as well as our own.

I think women in our culture may struggle with this forever, unless we change our mindset.


I think most women know their healthiest and happiest for them weight and don't need others to tell them what it is.


There are some on here who always, in every thread make sure everyone knows they are petite and weigh 50 lbs (ok exagerating but you get the idea) and that anyone who isn't is very unhealthy and they are "concerned" about others/hosts weight.

This in itself is an unhealthy obsession.

 It is hurtful and we have enough of that in our society.

Women of all shapes have a hard enough time feeling they/we are beautiful and loving the beautiful things about our bodies and ourselves.


"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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I think most of us live in the real world. If I am 30 pounds overweight, I don't hate myself but I have eyes and a mirror and I would realize that I look much better at a slimmer weight. I don't think anyone hates overweight people. We're all beautiful in our own way. Sometimes it's not physical perfection but that's ok.  

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Pam has been looking terrific. She lost weight. Her hair and makeup are very flattering. Pam looks like a model.

There is one newer plus model who looks awful. Plus size can be good or in the case of the model whose name I won’t use, it can be awful. She can’t be from an agency.
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Listen, aside from size and/or weight, there are occasions when a host or a model must wear an item (because it is their job), that frankly is not flattering. It could be the style of the garment, the color, the fabric, etc. Bottom line: it “ain’t” happening for every woman. We come in all shapes and sizes.
I know I have been in a big box dressing room and tried on a garment and…no way am I coming out of the cramped room for the world to see. Ditto for swimsuit “time”.
I pity the poor hosts, who I presume, now, ALL are required to model swim attire especially if a TSV. The exception is Kristen (?), who appears thin and fit enough for TV cameras to look great in most swim apparel. Also, she applies tanning products to her body which can do wonders for hiding imperfections. A few months ago for a swim TSV, I felt so sorry for Pam, the model, who was apparently the main model for all the TSV colors, online and in several live segments. The suit was not flattering at all for this woman. I thought it was downright cruel. I see now the newer plus size model, “Jamie” (?), appears to be the latest plus size model for swim wear. I believe she previously modeled for the former Evine, now (Shop HQ), Minneapolis shopping channel. She appears young, and has a great smile. She has modeled some utterly unflattering swimwear but seemingly pulled it off w/aplomb and her sparkling smile.
Bottom line, ladies, a female Q host/model must wear many “hats”…many ill fitting or just plain ugly. BUT….…it is a job. But it can be agony, (personally), for me, the viewer to observe a grown woman wearing a clothing item, for public display by millions that is just plain buck ugly. And….the model KNOWS it. I cringe for her and every host w/a chirpy demeanor and smile “selling” (at times), the equivalent of “snake oil”.
And….would David, Dan, Alberti or Rick be forced to wear a Speedo on live television? Model it, praise the attractive attributes?
Instead of even the suggestion of body shaming…let’s talk about equity in all areas…
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@Kachina624.... I think Pam looks gorgeous !! I saw her a few weeks ago and noticed her weight loss. Good for you Pam!