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Packaging Not Good For Gift Giving

When I purchase items from QVC and HSN often the item is just packed in a plain brown box.  Inside the box the item is packed in white Styrofoam and included is a piece of paper with instructions.   


When I purchase items at a store it has nice packaging that has the name of the product, applications  of how to use it, features, colored pictures etc.


QVC and HSN are always promoting items to be perfect for gift giving.  However, I'm rather embarrassed to give a gift that is just in a brown packing box.  I just purchased 2 men's As Seen on TV belts from HSN called Comfort Click.  I purchased them to give to my father-in-law for his birthday.  If I purchased them at a store, it would of had packaging to explain "what so wonderful about it" "features", etc.   With my HSN purchase all I have is an ugly brown box to give with 2 belts inside and 1 small sheet of instructions.


Do you agree?  Have you also run into a similar situation where you're embarrassed with the packaging for gift giving?

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Re: Packaging Not Good For Gift Giving

Not a big deal for me.  I find the packaging to be adequate.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Packaging Not Good For Gift Giving

I have only ordered an item as a gift once off of Q.  Since I always place my orders by phone I mentioned that the item was a gift.  The CR asked if I wanted the item gift wrapped.  I said yes, how much?  CR said it was "on the house."


When the person called to let me know the gift arrived, I asked if it was gift wrapped & it was.  Still arrived in a brown box. Smiley Tongue

This was last year.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Re: Packaging Not Good For Gift Giving

I would not expect it to be wrapped for gift giving.   The majority of purchases would not be for gifts.

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Re: Packaging Not Good For Gift Giving


I agree that items with feature booklets,

instructions, and so on, should be included. 

Esteemed Contributor
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Re: Packaging Not Good For Gift Giving

"Items Seen on TV" can be purchased at a lot of B&M stores including Walmart and Walgreen's. If they have better packaging, then maybe it would be better for you to purchase locally. How about taking the belts and instructions out of the brown box and put them in a nice gift bag?

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Re: Packaging Not Good For Gift Giving

The majority of the time I just order early and have the item sent to me so I can inspect and ensure it is not damaged. I usually don't send items as gifts unless I am pressed for time and want the person receiving to be able to return/exchange. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Packaging Not Good For Gift Giving

@BunSnoopI know they say items are perfect for gifts, but I wonder if the majority really go that route.   I know mine don't, and I'm perfectly pleased NOT to have an extra layer of fancy wrapping that goes into the trash even before I store the item.  


I, too, shop locally where sometimes they wrap beautifully, but I ask that step be skipped unless I'm actually intending to gift my purchase.