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In viewing HSN and Shop HQ over the years I have found that the hosts always appear to look professional in their appearance.  The hair, makeup and clothing show that effort is made to look like they devoted some time to looking good.  Qvc falls short of the mark on several occasions.  Some hosts appear to have rolled out of bed with nary a care for how sloppy they look.  Some need guidance on messy hair, unkempt clothing {shouldn't they rise above the shlumpy, dumpy and frumpy look} and distracting manicures.  I will say that the models are looking much better since they are wearing clothes that compliment their size. 

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Re: Observations

[ Edited ]

@32degrees "Some hosts appear to have rolled out of bed with nary a care for how sloppy they look."


I agree with you.  I look at HSN and see how Colleen Lopez always looks polished.  The HSN hosts seem to be better trained than the QVC hosts.  At least I don't hear constant personal stories or hear about busy moms all the time. 

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I couldn't agree more!  It didn't used to be that way with QVC.

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Although I don't watch ShopHQ that much, I find the hosts there and on HSN more professional and watchable than those on QVC.



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Never watch HSN but notice some (some) QVC host always have common sense beautiful nails - hair........Mary - Jen - Leah - MaryBeth - new host don't know names.

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The shows I watch the hosts look nice.  Do not have to be perfect do they?   Some hardly  get to sleep and back at it again. 


I am one of those who likes the pj and wine parties.










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QVC seems to be going after a different target market.

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@32degrees   glad you are happy there-  just as at the Q, there are a few well-put together hosts and some that need haircuts and better wardrobe stylists - although that could be because they are wearing HSN clothes -  I have never been tempted although I might have looked Marla Wynn if I were inches taller, if she weren't using so many flowing uppers, although my days of needing her styles may have ended forever over these past 2 years.


As lots of posters have said about theQ, HSN saved me lots money and time over the years.  I rarely watch and will not be a buyer because of everything I ever received from them, the only good purchase was a small order of Huggable Hangers - but even the second shipment of those turned me off --when I want hangers, I don't care to pay for cutesy ribbons or useless clips.  

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Many Q hosts (and vendors) are following the trend of lounge wear to identify with who they think is their mass audience and be "our friend" . That way we may purchase more from them. Even pajamas are acceptable on some show hosts.