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Re: Now wait just one darn minute!

@this is my nic wrote:



Quacker Factory is on and I've heard the host suggest a couple items that would cost over $50.00 for teachers' gifts.  Seriously?  Who spends that much for teachers' gifts?

@this is my nic  Maybe someone who can afford to send their kids to private schools that cost and arm and a leg each year?

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Re: Now wait just one darn minute!

Wish I had been that teacher!


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Re: Now wait just one darn minute!

spening near or over $50 on a teachers gift is in my opinion, bribery, thus expecting something back for your student.

and IMO, clothing is inappropriate gift for a teacher

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Re: Now wait just one darn minute!

@Karnerblue wrote:

I love people who "rarely" watch QVC but they just happen to be watching when something is said that bothers them.

Perhaps it's because so many things  are said and done that bother lots of us.  I rarely watch - like Karnerblue - and all the dancing, prancing, really dumb comments, interrupting the vendors, gobbling, etc. really bother me. So I tune it out.  I'd bet there are lots more out there who agree. For me, I would like more Carolyn, Jill, Dans, etc.  They know how to sell and not offend.

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Re: Now wait just one darn minute!

@Perkup wrote:

@Karnerblue wrote:

I love people who "rarely" watch QVC but they just happen to be watching when something is said that bothers them.

Perhaps it's because so many things  are said and done that bother lots of us.  I rarely watch - like Karnerblue - and all the dancing, prancing, really dumb comments, interrupting the vendors, gobbling, etc. really bother me. So I tune it out.  I'd bet there are lots more out there who agree. For me, I would like more Carolyn, Jill, Dans, etc.  They know how to sell and not offend.


    I agree, Perk!   I also rarely watch, but do check in and out of the shows...I guess what they call "Q check"!  I hardly ever watch an entire show and never watch some shows - depending on host and/or product!

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Re: Now wait just one darn minute!

[ Edited ]

@Cardmaker63 wrote:

Karnerblue: Your comment was very discrespectful....seriously....disrespectful...not everyone is glued to the TV watching Q....

Seriously, if my comment was discrespectful or disrespectful and/or rude, the moderators  would have removed it.

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Re: Now wait just one darn minute!

Ok. So I just had to have my voice heard. I happen to be a first grade teacher in a public school. I teach in a low socioeconomic area. I don't expect or demand expensive gifts. A sincere hand written note from the child's family thanking me for teaching their child would be awesome.

But if a family wanted to spend time and effort to get me a nice gift, I don't think that would be a big deal.


Year after year I purchase many prizes and stickers for my treasure chest.  I get winter holiday gifts for my students, homework rewards, treats, develop photos for school projects, and classroom materials from my own pocket. We don't get reimbursed for anything at my school. Just this week I spent $25 to purchase some school uniform shirts and a warm sweater for one particularly needy first grade student in my class.  It's makes me happy to help my students.



We don't have room mothers at my school.  If we did, then the room mothers could maybe ask the parents who wanted to participate to chip in a few bucks for a gift card to where ever. Hey I'd be happy with that! Think about how much us teachers do for your child. I don't get $50 teacher gifts for my own kids' teachers, but I do try to get a pretty decent gift for Christmas and teacher appreciation day / end of the year gift. The Q hosts do push their products at any cost. And then it just stirs a pot that doesn't need stirring. 

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Re: Now wait just one darn minute!

[ Edited ]

@this is my nic wrote:

Waiting for my laundry to be finished, so I'm watching the Q, which i rarely do. 


Quacker Factory is on and I've heard the host suggest a couple items that would cost over $50.00 for teachers' gifts.  Seriously?  Who spends that much for teachers' gifts?  Maybe if you're a host at the Q, but in the real world, that kind of money is for family gifts. 


Get real, please!  You sound ridiculous.

@this is my nic  As some have already said, the $50 gift is more of a "stocking stuffer" to some of the QVC hosts....For a regular gift some hosts have moved on to the big ticket items---expensive handbags and such--- I'd love to get on one of the QVC host's gift lists---they must have a tremendous Christmas Budget---to give half their town gifts and pricey ones to boot!

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Re: Now wait just one darn minute!

@nana59 wrote:

Gee-I must be way out of the loop.....I've purchased Dooney bags for all teachers, UPS drivers, my hairdresser, receptionists at doctors' offices, grocery store cashiers, postal workers, gas station attendants, and anyone else who might have been kind to me on a certain day......

@nana59  And don't forget your veternarian and the church choir director....

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Re: Now wait just one darn minute!

My son and daughter are grown now and I don't ever remember giving teachers gifts or thank you notes for a good job.  I work at a college and the enitre staff gives 100% to students and our supervisors - should we give them gifts too...